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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you believe people only hear what they want to hear?

Question: Do you believe people only hear what they want to hear!?
Are you tired of having people put words in your mouth because that's what they want to believe about you!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
All people like to believe in things, believes are our need, and where there is uncertainty looming, in crisis situations, during upsets and upheavals of all sort beliefs come heavily in demand!. Why am I harping on the word belief, because this is what you question is about!. The world of the mind is stable due to the power of the beliefs; people only hear what they like to hear, or what preoccupations of their minds are!.

Sometimes, people hear words differently than they are actually being pronounced, and sometimes they miss out a whole lot of them in conversation, and hear in quotations marks, only the part they are most interested in!. Then the meanings, connotations and the context of a situation all can be misconstrued to greatest of illusionary effects!. We are most spontaneous with our use of words and therefore more likely to be subjective in our understanding – a certain narrative of literature for instance may invoke different reaction in different people!.

Then if ones go about lightly in this world then it is highly like for them to be understood in the way of the ones who hold stronger beliefs of a situation and a circumstance in life!. When people try to shove words of their own into your mind they try to convince you about THEIR description of you!. The like you to view yourself the way they find fitting to their purpose!. This happens when there are people about whose beliefs are either stronger than your, or if this has not been ascertained yet!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Pretty much correct!.

People hear different things, its because they feel/interpret things differently, and its because they WANT to interpret it that way!. But not just this, your communication; your expression of words can also be unclear leading others to misunderstand your points!. Yes, i believe you can say that!.

I am not tired if its me who is delivering messages wrongly but i am tired of those people who stubbornly judge me through misunderstanding of my words!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Which is but one of the symptoms of being a member of a cult!.

They first redefine words they use, and then they redefine what they hear!. You can’t have a reasonable conversation with them at that point!. We all know the feeling—quite frustrating indeed!.

The fact that this gradual psychosis takes place in most religious fanatics is ample evidence to their delusion and should be enough to have them removed from society, properly diagnosed, and treated, (I’m serious as a heart attack) since these are the people who spread hate and violence in the name of religion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Absolutely! Most people have their minds made up before asking for advice!. Each person knows at least part of the answer they want to hear when they ask someones opinion!.
You can answer in all honesty and all sincerity and still have people hear the wrong thing or hear it completely different than how you meant it!. You can also innocently say something and have people take it out of context!.
Just make sure you only say things you really mean and can remember and be honest above all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

!.!.!. People always hear everything!.!.!. they always listen!.!.!. They don't always comprehend everything!.!.

It also depends on what person you are talking about!.!. To give you an accurate answer, I would have to know that person!.!.!.

but, most likely, people do only hear what they WANT to hear!.!.!. That way, they "THINK" they know the right thing about others!.!. when!.!.!. it usually isn't the truth!.!.!. :-/Www@QuestionHome@Com


(what!? I thought I heard the question as "What's my favorite veggie!?")

Accurate listening is a hard skill to develop and maintain!. Few people have the patience!. Plus we're all subject to selective perception (ignoring what's not on your mind, and emphasizing what is, e!.g!. you go your whole life without ever thinking of or seeing a plate of shrimp, until one day, you get fed a plate of shrimp and like it!. Then suddenly, it seems like there are plates of shrimp everywhere you look!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

i mean unless you really don't pay attention to anything yopu say!. they may hear something but for the simple fact that they don't like you they may comprehend it the wrong way, twist your words around or just argue about it!. so in a sense, yes they only hear what they wan tto!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it is an unfortunate thing that people only hear what they wanna hear but it is true! u just have to dechipher through the people that dont know what they are saying through the people that do know!!! unfortunately that is the way things go!. xxx good will hunting!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, I've seen it happen time and again and it just aggravates the pee out of me!. I hate to be talking to somebody who is obviously not listening!. I try to be a good listener but I also want to be heard!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have the opinion, that when someone asks your advice, 80% of the time, they give the answer in the question!
So, I know tell them what they want hear!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.NOT what they should hear!
Total shite!Www@QuestionHome@Com

course they do!. it's human nature!. bet you've done it yourself, if you're honest!.

and yes, i'm tired of it , but not surprised by it!.
good question!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yea I know what you mean, its really annoying sometimes!. That's why I ask questions as opposed to just talking, since everyone seems to have their own opinions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

quite often yes, it is sort of common here and there!.


Yep!. Thats a useless conversation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes! they dont let me show them who i really am!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Life is spin!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes I do, my beautiful mum had selective hearing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

