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Position:Home>Philosophy> Theory about the universe what's your take on it?

Question: Theory about the universe what's your take on it!?
so I have a lot of time to think in the middle of the night and I have this theory that i thought might be somewhat possible however bizarre it might be!. So my theory is that we exist only in the memories of our future selves!. and that when we remember something about our past, it is actually happening in another space, time and universe!. Meaning that things such as de ja vu really only happen because we're seeing flashes from the memories of our future selves of something that hasn't happened to us yet!. This gives our souls (or selves depending what you believe) several layers existing in different places, spaces, times and universes thus causing the universe to be an infinite place!. There's more to it but thats the basic thought, just wanted to know if it provokes thought in any of youWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
to me it seems a little too far fetched!. you have created a scenario that fits with observations you've made!. but you've not made observations that indicated that the universe MUST be a certain way!. this provides room for error!. it's fun i'll grant you to imagine what could be rather than what must, but still, by imagining what could, you will be far less likely to find what is!.

the simplest solutions i find are the best!.

one thing i don't understand about it!. is that if we exist in memories of our future selves, why aren't we our future selves instead, to begin with!?

i think you'd have to design a present for our future selves!. and you wouldn't have any evidence to base that on really!. that means you would be leaving really a huge amount of room for error, you could propose anything you can imagine about our future selves, and never refute it!.

plus then our future selves could be wondering the same thing, maybe we are our future selves!. and so on forever until basically there is not really a future self, and so consequently there'd need to be not a present self!. which there apparently is!.

you might like to read up about einstein's theories!. they'll provoke many thoughts like this i'm sure, and blow your mind at the same time because the reality seems also very far fetched and even impossible, but it must be that way, it's just realizing why it must be is tough!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You are very close!. In actuality, every possible you or "somethings like you" exist as "ghosts" or a "potential you's" Time and Space are just a platform to experience a "version" of you!. In actuality the stuff of the universe is like slides in a view master, and that slide which is our current "now" is just the one passing through consciousness!.

Now here is the part where I get funky!. The view "master" is God!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The terms often used in this way!. The equivalent of what you have hypothesized would be that we exist in different inches, feet, and miles!.

Time, like feet or inches, is ONLY a measurement system that indicates a a number of units between one event and another!. The university is ONLY the area in which the distance between two events (time) is being measured!. And space is ONLY the area in which the distance between events and the measurement system between events and objects exist!.

Until we stop ascribing values to time and space we will never accomplish "time travel"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Does that mean that our current lives are laid out and we really have no free will!?

Or, does our future keep changing based on the different decisions we make!?

Sorry to answer questions with questions!.

Your question is very thought provoking!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Existence exists!. There is only one reality, and this is it!. The future cannot exist because we haven't created it yet!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ahh so!

Again - Heaven i n s i d e / Hell outsideWww@QuestionHome@Com


SOMETHING THAT RAISES REAL THOUGHT, I am almost aghast at such a phenomenon on this page!.

I agree, to a certain extent however I think!. That 'de ja vu', as such, is not the "Unification" of past experiences, in themselves!.

I think, it is 'Readjustment' of past "innuendo" meaning, certain things have happend!.
However the actual constructs of that instants, that is!. The actual particles, that have 'Happend' in a certain way!.
That have caused that, instance to occur in that time & space!.

Are 'Re-Experienced', in a totally different seperate context and whilst!.
Certain particles, that make up that problem/situation/concept, are primarily the same!.
The actual end result, or end purpose, or end intention!. May be entirely differentWww@QuestionHome@Com

Wow different wavelength!. My theory is that we are as far into the future as we have been able to obtain with the wisdom or energy that we have been able to pick up!. De ja vu is just the energy within bringing to the surface stored energy to keep us from making a mistake that would keep us from building up the energy to take with us as we pass to an upper level further into the future!. Therefore de ja vu is what it is a glimpse of what we already know but haven't used but can quickly recall!. If we were already in the future then there would be know purpose for us to be here!.Www@QuestionHome@Com