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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is there ever such a thing as a bad person or only bad deeds?

Question: Is there ever such a thing as a bad person or only bad deeds!?
In my opinion there is no such thing as a bad or evil person!. Even Adolf Hitler, who committed countless atrocities and who's views I couldn't disagree with more, was doing things he believed were right, which means that he was still good in his own eyes!. Good and Bad are only what we perceive them to be and so everyone will see them differently, meaning in turn that there cant possibly be such thing as a truly good or bad person!.

Am i right or wrong in your opinion!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i cudn't agree any lessWww@QuestionHome@Com

You're right, for the wrong reason!.

The reason people can't be said to be good or bad, is that a person, by virtue of being, does not affect anything!. It is his actions, and the purpose behind them, that produce repercussions!. It is this intent, when executed by a being, that is susceptible to moral judgment!. "Being" is not an act, but an entity that acts!. After all, we're not locking up people for their potential to commit crime, just because they "are" (exist)!.

How to morally judge a person's actions, then!? They are moral, if they are consistent with the values inherent in human nature as observed rationally, the main one of which is life!. Other values include freedom, productivity, pride, etc!. A bad act would be to violate/repress/hinder any of these values!. What you believe about it, makes no difference!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You are Totally wrong!.
There are good people and bad people in this world !. and most or the rich people are bad !. Not according to them , but by majority!.
lets take a case of a criminal!. He goes to court , with due witness and proof the person get a sentence !. He may think he is done it right but not by the court!.
Another case is a rape , An Innocent person get raped and what would you say about the culprit!. good guy!?
You have not lived during Hitler time so you don't know what all he did to Innocent people ,ask a old Polish person !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We are all capable of atrocities, often believing they are the right thing to do!. We can find the best reasons to support our unethical deeds!. Each one of us has the potential to do good or evil, but I can't believe there are people who have not one particle of good in them (unless psychopaths really don't know what's right and wrong, which I doubt)!. We all have done wrong things, but we should not be condemned for them!. Yes!. I believe justice must be served, but damning people just doesn't help them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am bad, and badder and badest!!!! at the best!.
The deeds define a person!.The fruit defines a tree!.So the saying goes or should it be the going says!?!?!?!?
I am dislexic!!! My one kid is that way, like mother like son!.All the bad is attributed to me and the good with the kids' father!. Nice!!! Some MCPs are like that and I do not try and change that one!. I like the fool to remain in the fool's paradise!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

bad is as bad does, a whole lot of bad makes a person !.!.a whole lot of bad!. I call it as I see it!. But yes everyone is bad sometimes!.!.!.it is just that some are bad too much!.

Nope, Hitler was bad plain and simple!. He deliberately harmed a lot of people, caused a lot of pain and strife to others!.!.!.that makes him a bad person!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

LOL !!!

Good question & my thoughts on this is YES!.

If U do something bad, then of course your bad!.

Killing billion of people is BAD thing to do & not GOOD thing to do even if your DERANGE ENOUPH to belive that is, lol!.

Being bad is being bad no matter how U look at it!.

There is just no point in sugar coating it!.

If one relly want's to know the answer to this question all that one has to do is just ask any saine little kid between the ages of 5 to 10!. Just do something BAD in front of one & then ask that child if he or she thinks that what you've just done is good or BAD and see what they say to U about it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I disagree!. I think some people are just "wired" wrong!.!.!.antisocial, serial killers!. Continuously, meticulously planning, plotting, enjoying torturing and mutilating people is evil!.!.!.not just a bad deed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No there are bad persons, and it is out responsibility to seek vengeance against them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Adolf was pretty bad but Stalin and Mugabe kill their own people so mabe they are in a class of their own!.

I guess some floks are just naturally evil!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Bad is different than evil!. I am a bad person, but I am not EVIL!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Good people often do bad things!.

Do bad people sometimes do good things!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well , the heart is the seed of motivation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i agree!. theres always another side to a story!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think if you could kill anyone like Hitler did you need help!. i don't care if it's your 'beliefs'Www@QuestionHome@Com