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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is the STATE THE MOST powerful institution?

Question: Is the STATE THE MOST powerful institution!?
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Hmm, is the state an institution!? That is difficult to say, since most of the tasks it performs are quasi independent!. If you would speak about its power you'd have to confine yourself to the political realm, and I don't see our democracies as very powerful!. In fact, the lobbyists are those who are in power when it comes to creating or changing policy!.

In order to claim the title of 'institution' it is crucial to be standing on its own feet, so to speak!. Certainly (with all due respect) religion is no institution, it doesn't even has an organization!. It is merely an abstract concept (a very abstract one indeed, if you want to include all kinds of faiths)!.

So, my answer would be that the state is too fragmented to be most powerful!. I think lobby groups have much more concrete, active power when it comes to policy decisions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sorry, religion is!. And it makes no difference what religion!. Look at the Xenophobia in South Africa, recently!. I believe that you are 'wrong' , so get out!. And the state could do nothing to stop it!. - Xenophobia, I think, is a kind of religion!. It unites people with the same believes!.

I think the mind is offended that you would even ask such a thing!. You have the most powerful institution within you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah, they usually control the military!.Www@QuestionHome@Com