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Position:Home>Philosophy> Can the OBSESSIVE MIND be also very creative?

Question: Can the OBSESSIVE MIND be also very creative!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
yes it can!. the majority of artists for instance follow their own obsessions and obsession sometimes constitutes the very fuel of the strength to follow your artistic path!. Just think of Proust, for instance, his huge novel is in fact the manifestation of his obsession for himself!. I'm a writer myself and I can feel the tension between my obsessions (which always pop up into my works when I expect them less) and my own desire to soothe them through the very act of working within language!.

moreover I remember this one case of a psycho a friend of mine told me about, she's a doctor and she met him at her psychiatry course!. he had the worst type of schizophrenia possible, he was incapable of any feeling (a possible killer and he was locked out for that matter in a mental institution for the rest of his life)!. what was the strangest detail about him was the fact that he broke himself totally from the world and thus he actually invented a new language only for himself!.!.!. nobody could communicate with him anymore!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Alas the positively obsessed fascinated and awed will ultimately become the object of their obsession!.

In its negative aspect the obsessed seeks to emulate and derides that which holds its attention and causes an unhealthy obsession!. Women are the worst, They manically pursue, linger upon your every utterance and feign indignance and nonchalance when berated or exposed for the same!.

Obsessive behaviour is an extreme, and immoderation in any matter is undesirable!. Creativity arises from an inspired imagination!. Excessive focus upon one we adore in turn renders the adorer adorable in his adoration!.

Malicious obsession literally casts the demonic hypocrisy of pursuit, overt attentiveness and derision to be laughably contradictory and thereby dismissible!.

Personalities inspiring such adulation are innately and inordinately extraordinary and multi faceted, and usually therefore the centre focus of much consideration by persons good and unscrupulous alike, an attention that the ambitious and lowly crave whilst the creative and talented loathe and avoid!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Creativity of the mind comes from imagination!.!.!.!. and obsession is a kind of imagination!.!.!.!.!.!. however, the creative mind born from obsession can only be single-dimensional and to that extent it would not be capable of any 'wholesome' or 'holistic' creation!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

the mind can be "very anything``!. if anything, parallelitically, the mind can be very possessive!. I dont see relationship between obsessiveness and creativeness!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Only if the mind is obsessed with being creative!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

marry meWww@QuestionHome@Com

i believe soWww@QuestionHome@Com