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Position:Home>Philosophy> Does ELEGANCE EXIST OUTSIDE of your mind? . ?

Question: Does ELEGANCE EXIST OUTSIDE of your mind!? !. !?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well, elegant PEOPLE and elegant design and elegant fashion and elegant cars and elegant manners exist beyond ME and therefore my mind!.!.!. if I died it would continue to exist!.!.!.yes!.!.!.elegance exists beyond my perception of it!. If someone does not "get" elegance!.!.!.then it is probably beyond their grasp and they will never attain it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Classic, Elegance, and Avant Garde are styles in the Mercedes Benz range of cars !.!.!. I

Ordinarily elegance, poise, deportment and bearing maketh a character!. Life should be elegant, in speech and carriage, in thought and deed, and indeed in mans imagination !.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe that Elegance exists all around us, but the thing is, it exists in different ways to different people!. It is all a matter of opinion, which I also believe most things in life are!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


And ckswife!.!.!.TOTALLY CONTRADICTS himself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes did some body called my name!? IM ELEGANCE! LOLWww@QuestionHome@Com