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Position:Home>Philosophy> Would a "Dr Strangelove"-like person likely suffer from "critical

Question: Would a "Dr Strangelove"-like person likely suffer from "critical incident stress disorder" or "stockholm!.!.!.!.!.
syndrome" !?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If Dr!. Strangelove were kidnapped by a band of roving Stockholm Syndrome Producers, who's sole aim in life was to replicate Stockholm Syndrome, then the result would be someone who wante to replicate Stockholm Syndrome!. But without a larger motive, the idea seems kind of daft, and if the motive was to spread a particular ideology, then the use of Stockholm Syndrone to spread that ideology is kind of like using toothpicks to build a shuttlecraft to fly to the moon!.

Lot of work, risk, danger, and exposure, for a not guaranteed result!. Most organizations prefer to be legal and covert!.Www@QuestionHome@Com