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Position:Home>Philosophy> Does it make sense to be panpsychist?

Question: Does it make sense to be panpsychist!?
Panpsychism is the view that every physical thing has a mindlike quality to it!. Now, do you think it makes sense to say that everything has mind!? If yes, why!?
If not, if you think panpsychism is false, can you tell me how mind and experience evolved over the billions of years of our evolution!? Did it emerge at a certain point in evolution!?

I appreciate every decent and honest opinion! Thanks!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Mind!. What is mind!? Is it your brain!? Your memories!? The knowledge you picked up over your various life spans!? Rocks, over time will turn to sand, land up in a vulcano and become rock again!. Does that give them a mind!? Or a life!?
Mind evolve!? It sounds very science fiction like!. Like the growth of something that is fully grown!. How tall is tall!? You do not know where mind started, so, how can you possibly know if it has evolved!. Did it start with the 'big bang' or was it created by God!? Your guess is as good as mine!.

No its ridiculous!.!.!. how can inanimate objects have minds!? Hog wash!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

not that hippie crap!.!.!.
its a bunch of B SWww@QuestionHome@Com