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Position:Home>Philosophy> Has anyone ever managed to steal your genuineness from you...?

Question: Has anyone ever managed to steal your genuineness from you!.!.!.!?
make you question your feelings for the world, make you lose your passion for things in life and then they left you behind like a broken puppet!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
!.!.!.well, yes, but it was a very long time ago with an ex!.!.!.
I walked away from that relationship with mental scars and bruises but not without my dignity for I was able to use that experience to build strength and wisdom for the future!.!.!.my next relationship turned out to be the love of my life and all was right with the universe once againWww@QuestionHome@Com

Many try and often, I simply reinvent myself or metamorphosis's into something entirely different!.

Uniqueness, originality and individuality has this ordained luxury that a plagiarist can only aspire, wish and strive and remain oh so woefully trying in their trying!. Free spiritedness is usually bereft of any discernable ambition and therefore is truly free!. A plagiarist is a scavenging negative force enslaved by its own need!.

Passing through the seven doors of trials and tribulations, de-asseted, pillaged, looted, tormented, held captive and remains of use to the stooge who authorises this whole ghastly plight!. If only Steve would invent one and release his hold, alas the ruthlessly ambitious will do anything to get ahead and are deemed spiritual paupers for being so!.
Admittedly a broken puppet, but still slightly more spirited than the half witted ignoramuses and their wenches that cast this shadow!.

Honour, Moral Authority, Intelligence, Ingenuity!. The Liberated Spirit!. Inimitable and irrepressible combination !.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Being genuine is a natural talent!. The most appreciated are rare one!. Many people who have not discovered their own talent yet, like to steal it from those who have it, as if they are trying to bring a balance in their environment!. One genuine personality and one fake, is not as good as one genuine and one pretending-to-be-genuine one!. It is a kind of envy!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the imitators are usually the ones ending as the puppet!. al my geniuses are patented to my name, they are mine and no one can take them away from me!. they are part of me, the total make up of me!. they can claim the tangibility but the heart, soul and spirit i put into them are uniquely mine!. i may not be that fascinating but i can say i have my individuality!.

the puppets are like broken people, they rejoice only for the fruit but they dont rejoice for the seed itself because simply they dont have the idea what type og soil the tree is on!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yep!. every woman that i have ever had in my life!. they all love me, because i am funny, artistic, anti-something, but in the end, they want to change me!. now, if i love them in return, i want to change for them!. however, then i am no longer the person that they fell in love with!. an endless cycle of " yeah, you're this, but you are not that" ensues!.

to thine own self be true==shakespeareWww@QuestionHome@Com

No!.The world in a whole has managed to do this,not one single person!.Shattering my former self,dissolving what i thought could not be dissolved,burning my passion and will to live to the ground!.But i have been reborn from those ashes and refuse to let it do so once again!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If one has done it than the whole world has done it!.
I may be a broken puppet but while there are still strings attached I will continue to be jerked around!.


Yes, my ex-husband was the one that did that, but then again, I let it happen!. What the heck was I thinking!?

Let's chalk it up to experience and get on with it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes they have!. But I'm working on getting things back in order!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My ex did that!.!.!.slowly but surely, I thought all hope was lost!. Now I know better, and I have a renewed sense of hope and joy!.!.!.I am me again :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

i like your english so nope noone can take your nice english question!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

many have tried!.!.!.however no one can make me feel anything, without me somehow giving them my consent!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes, my ex husband had done this!. mom though had put everything back in perspectiveWww@QuestionHome@Com