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Position:Home>Philosophy> Sorry I confused you! What I want to know is why doesthe universe look older tha

Question: Sorry I confused you! What I want to know is why doesthe universe look older than we expect, older than it is!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Ah, but man measures time in his own world!. But what is time but a measurement for us to count the days and years!. What if there is no time!. What if it is infinity, with no beginning and no end, therefore timeless!. what if we just plain have it wrong!. The Universe to us may look old because we feel we are old, but in reality it may of just began, you know that big bang,!.!.!.!.we are just now hearing its roar!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

everytime we get better technology to see farther it looks bigger, we see more distant things!. the age of the universe is calculated by looking at how far things are and calculating backwards how long it would take to get there if it all left from the same point!.

basically the bigger the universe is the older it is!. and it keeps looking bigger!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No one knows for sure how old it really is; all our calculations are just extrapolations !. !. !.Www@QuestionHome@Com