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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you need your own personal therapist to make you see how you really think?

Question: Do you need your own personal therapist to make you see how you really think!?
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A professional therapist maybe not!. Science on such matters, makes me hesitant! !.!.!.!.But a friend who is acting like therapist, might be of much help!.!.

A friend - therapist puts empathy, feeling into it!. Yet, as being in some distance from your inner feelings and thoughts that might be a bit confused, the friends can see more clear than you and with the loving feeling and his/her clear vision to the matters, can show you more real paths, a closer to reality picture of you and your thoughts!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes - but fortunately, any loving relationship serves that function!. In fact, for therapy to be effective, it must establish an authentic loving relationship between therapist and patient!. That's a widely held misconception, that patients sometimes fall in love with their therapists, and that's some kind of accident, like a spill - in fact they MUST fall in love for any therapy to take place!.

Effective psychotherapy is nothing more or less than the restoration of the capacity for love to someone who has lost it!.

So any genuine, healthy loving relationship is, by definition, a therapeutic one!. And it is too - that's not just some theory!. If you're in authentic love, you're going for a hell of a roller coaster ride of self-discovery and emotional growth!. And you'll puke a few times too!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sort of!. You do often need someone who is outside of your mind to see things in a perspective that you aren't able to see on your own so obviously, as your own thoughts and bias will skew things!. And if that person is trained in how the human mind works, that seems to be a good person to explore things with, as opposed to someone off the street, or a friend who might not be as objective either!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is a question of how you think!. But most people think, what to wear, what to eat, who to love, and all those useless thoughts!. You think about you, your live and your contribution to the universe!. Thinking (meditating) hurts, and if it did not hurt, you have thought not!. You draw your own life's road map, and if the 'KFC' is not (or no longer) on that corner - you have to change the map!. Or do you blame the 'KFC'!?

It would seem not, I do have one or had one she rang me yesterday to tell me she has someone with more experience for me to see instead of her!. I've heard that before a lot of times, I'm a little bit in the too hard basket!. Sometimes I will have one meeting & at the end they say, well you are out of my leauge!. I know what I think, I am trying to reason out how I think like I do!. What cognative shortcuts I take to allow me to believe some of my actions in life are rational!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, I physcoanalyse everything that is said and done either to me or from me when I sleep, its any wonder I spend lots of dreamtime thinking over what people have said and what they really mean, I think those of us who like to be in control of our lives do it too! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Heck no, that's why I hate therapy! It would take too long to explain my thoughts to them, and they never peg me right anyway!. Friends and family help a little bit, but mostly I've got to figure it out for myself, and I'm getting better at it by the day :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

!.!.!.I have in the past, yes!.!.!.some of it scared me and some of it surprised me and some of it made me feel OK!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Short answer is No!. If you take time to listen to your inner self and the world around you, you can hear your mind at work!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, why do u need someone else to understand u!. What is the problem in understanding urself!. Don't let others decide who u are, decide it by urself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com