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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you break the rules of life for fun or do you always need a special reason fo

Question: Do you break the rules of life for fun or do you always need a special reason for that!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i think everything is permitted, without looking at breaking the law!. the more confidence a person has the more their actions are allowed to slide!. i believe rules were created to bring order to social atmosperes, and it takes a black sheep to see through it

i break the rules because with them ill never b freeWww@QuestionHome@Com

Don't know what you mean by the rules of life!. Do you mean the rules of law!? Of man!? Or the natural rules, like gravity!?

We can break the rules of man, but not without some destructive consequences usually - even if we're not caught - cause the very act of breaking the law dis-engages us a bit from society, which a loss of tissue, and certainly we can't break the rules of nature -

Not sure what you mean by rules of life !.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are no rules of life to live by;

What ever rules we know of as the rules of life; and use for living life; for the reasons of guiding ourselves with the limited knowledge of our own selves about them, are in fact rules of laws of nature!.

These rules belong to those laws of nature by which nature itself works and performs actions of itself in people, places and things; and motivates and drives itself through their actions and activities in other people places and things outside; for performing actions and activities of itself!. through them!.

The style of life which mankind lives today; and forces one and all alike to live likewise; is that of EAT, DRINK, MAKE MERRY, AND BE HAPPY;

Man is although highly smart and intelligent; but he lacks that wisdom, knowledge and energy which can help him to know those laws of nature of his self working and performing actions of itself in his self; by which he performs actions of choice!.!.!.

As a result; he forever continues to break the laws of nature and; doesent even realise that his such actions are driving the nature and the constituents of nature in his self; to break the rules of life for the distorted and unwise reason of man his self only; that of having fun; especially by choosing to live the life style of EATING, DRINKING, MERRY MAKING, AND BEING HAPPY DUE TO THE EFFECT OF SUCH LIFE STYLE ONLY!.!.

There is more to life; than to merely live the life style of EATING, DRINKING, MERRY MAKING, AND BEING HAPPY DUE TO THE EFFECT OF SUCH LIFE STYLE UPON THE SELF ONLY!.!.

It is to ensure that the law of nature of self is known and understood and driven by the self!.

It is to ensure that these laws of nature are driven to perform action and activities of helping; by engaging and involving the nature of self also in the actions of self; for serving, curing, treating , providing and delivering joys of health, wealth, wisdom and knowledge of the body, mind, intelligence and education to the self as well as to others through the actions and activities of self!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I need special reasons!.

I typically don't break rules of life because I don't like to bother thinking of the consequences or awaiting the consequences!.

I'm not a patient person, I like to do things where I know my outcomes and get going with my day!.

lol no time for doing all that other stuff!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

breaking rules is always fun and they make your life interesting and worth living want to know what gonna happen tomorrow, but when you look at the things you've done in the past and how silly they are they create special moments and they create reason to do them over again!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Don't think so!.
Having the X-files - The Truth is out there!.
Can't stop oneself from laughing!.
Getting kick on the butts without being aware of it in time!.
Luke 6!.39-40,41-45,46-49
What do you think!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

i dont need a special reason!.!.!.
i talk to the bus driver while the bus is in motion
i toot in public
and i pick my nose at the dinner table
::) cheeeeseWww@QuestionHome@Com

It's very difficult to break life's rules anyways!. I've never quite managed it and if I ever did it wouldn't be for fun but for self-improvement!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

there are no rules!. only pleasures and punishments!.

the only rules are the laws of physics!.!.!. i dont know how to break those or if its even possible!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I will break the rules if it is necessary and if it does not serve a good purpose!. It does not matter whether it is for fun or not!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

life has no rules to break!. rules are created by others!. the only law of life is it must end!. havent figured out how to break that one yetWww@QuestionHome@Com

!.!.!.if asked this some years ago, the answer would be that I leaned more towards rule breaking!.!.!.it was fun!.!.!.now, however, I have mellowed to the point where even I think I'm boringWww@QuestionHome@Com

break the rules and push the boundries!.!.!.makes life interestingWww@QuestionHome@Com

There are no rules in life!.Only boundaries we chose to except and not cross!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I never break them, just rewrite them on the spot!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Meh!.!.!. just do what i want!.!.!. it's just a bonus for people who set the rules if i happen to be following them! Laters!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com