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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do people without money, cash, coin, etc. have value? If so, how would you descr

Question: Do people without money, cash, coin, etc!. have value!? If so, how would you describe or define that value!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes of course!. People are valuable if they contribute to the welfare of the group in some way - even a group of two!. They can contribute honesty, love, company, work, knowledge, protection, any number of things!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you are talking about extreme secular view, then a person's worth is the things that he has with a resale value, lets say, you don't have a single coin but owns a paid off house worth 100grand, then you are worth depending on the value of the house and your jewelry and everything will count, if you have good car with a good resale value, then you are worth the car's value, anything that you have that can be sold anytime you want, any kind of asset, it helps to determine your value and nowadays, your intellect can also be counted if it can pull in certain amount of money yearly but it has to be a unique talent but as for me, you being the creation of the AlMighty is enough to make you worthy and precious!. CheersWww@QuestionHome@Com

Mans value is partially estimated by his own hand and thinking!. A person once remarked that morals were a luxury afforded to the rich, and the lesser folk were then resigned to making gains at each arising opportunity and instance!. I would strongly disagree!.

A man’s spiritual worth is estimated by his integrity, reliability and nature!. A man’s worldly worth is approximated by his actions, words and deeds toward his fellow men, peers and family!. He is judged upon his competence or lack in the governance and authority he stamps upon those he is associated with in the home, work or socially!. His ability to assimilate and interact with all!. An ability to sculpt his impression upon those about him

Monetary worth is impressive to folk impressed by fortune!. In the world about me I know impoverished intellectuals and multi millionaires!. Although success in any field is admirable, am= man is lauded or loved for his ability to tough hearts and minds without concession and compromise of his moral integrity and worth!.

Adversity creates or destroys character!. Life is a test of trials and tribulations!. The truly wealthy of the world are men rich in spirit, harmonious in soul and generous hearted!. Strong willed wise men affable and amenable as they are aloof and singular in their beliefs!. Men who can be trusted or relied upon for as bastions or pillars of dependability!. These men are found in rags or designer riches, in all strata of society!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Of course they have value!. EVERYONE is valuable!. They may not have monetary value, but they may be valuable for their wisdom, their caring ways, their love, or even the smile that they may happen to share with a complete stranger!. You never know when something as simple as a smile could change someones day!. That simple smile could be valuable to the person who received it, therefore, creating value to the person who shared that smile!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

money has that habit of corrupting most people and the root of all evil does indeed stem from egotistical greed and want and nothing feeds that more than currency!.!.!.so id say yes they are valuable just for the fact that in that respect they are "pure"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

To whom!?
To a banker the answer is no!. To a blood bank, about $20!.
To their mother, priceless!. In and of themselves they are an original work of art!. Whether the art is inspired or derivative junk is in the eye of the beholder!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My answer is ALL life is precious from the smallest microbe to the largest carnivore!.

All people have great value, it is intrinsic to life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

wisdom for starter,
life, love, truth friendship, a peaceful mind,
your sexual equipment, health, humours, time, sanity, truth return ticket from Hell, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Www@QuestionHome@Com

No value at all unless he know what he is or who he is!. He becomes valuable when he realize who he is!.Www@QuestionHome@Com