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Position:Home>Philosophy> How is this theme relevant to todays society?

Question: How is this theme relevant to todays society!?
Society and Morality as Obstacles to the Fulfillment of DesireWww@QuestionHome@Com

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Conforming and social norms = being held back of desiresWww@QuestionHome@Com

It depends what sort of desire, I suppose!. But I guess this question is particularly referring to desires that are seen as morally questionable in the eyes of society!. So, if the fulfilment of a particular desire involves doing something which goes against the dominant norms and values of the particular society you're in, then in this case yes, Society and Morality are obstacles to the fulfilment of desire!. This is relevant to today's society because very often, what a particular society dictates as being morally acceptable is based upon a whole system of belief often going back centuries - a good example is in many Western societies, where notions of morality are often based upon the long-held Christian democratic tradition which has shaped the very politics of that society!. However, as society becomes increasingly globalised and new ideas, traditions and practices are brought together into a melting-pot, it becomes difficult when certain desires want to be fulfiled but cannot be because of that society's dominant, and often antiquated, system of norms and values!.
Not really sure how to wrap that all up, but hope it helps a bit!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Many sociopaths, well many people with self-entitlement issues,(most of America)!. See the moral limits of society - laws, social acceptability, and the such - as a block to getting what they want, which is generally monetary or sexual in nature!. People that aren't willing to sacrifice for the general good aren't willing to do ANYTHING for the general good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Everybody wants to f--k everybody else -- very relevant to today's society!.Www@QuestionHome@Com