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Position:Home>Philosophy> How do philosophers get over a heartbreak (first day) that will ease the ache in

Question: How do philosophers get over a heartbreak (first day) that will ease the ache in my heart!?
This is our 3rd break-up in as many months and I can't live on the rollercoaster anymore!. We need to be together but we can't be!. Help me with your thoughts please!? Thank you now because I do hurt in my heart and arms!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Supposedly when you break up and get back together with someone repeatedly, both of you are hoping for that first love to come back!. The initial excitement, the first amazing feelings!.

Then you break up with that person, thinking that you are not right for each other and that it will never work out or whatever, but go back to them again, searching for that initial love that made it so great!.

It can't go back to the way it was, so just try to move on!. The summer is basically here, so you have plenty of time to let the past fade away and to just start over again!.

Good luck with everything, hope you feel better soon =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are many philosophies to choose from!. Right now it sounds like you need stoicism!.

The stoics believe that you will live your exact same life over in an infinite regression, so that crying over a loss means crying 10,000 times over the same loss!. They believe in not reacting to events in life, so as not to overtax your personality!. The modern equivalent is Mr!. Spock from Star Trek!. A stoic responds with logic to any situation at hand, and does not get emotionally attached to anyone or anything!.

That would certainly be a way to ease your ache, if you can manage it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Finding a new theory or school of thought!.

We only stay in old and harmful relationships by continuing to thing of those situations and that person!. Free your mind of those thoughts!.

The second philosophical perspective is to challenge your own assumptions!. No one needs any person!. The source of the suffering is in this belief!. As long as you maintain this belief this relationship will be heartbreaking!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Get busy with hobbies and/or friends!.

Staying busy will keep you mind off of him!.Www@QuestionHome@Com