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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you ever feel as if you are going through life on your own even when you are

Question: Do you ever feel as if you are going through life on your own even when you are with someone!?
Do you also feel as if no one really understands you at all!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
We are alone, always!. As individuals no one can ever understand us totally!. They can have similar experiences, similar beliefs, similar education, etc!., but they will never view things the exact same way as you!.
The only way to be satisfied in a relationship is to understand that the relationship involves two individuals who are trying to live with each other and understand as much as they can about the other!. Each person has to agree to give 100% to the relationship!. 50/50 means you are each only giving half of what you could!.
If you allow the other person or people in your life to gain an understanding of you, then you will gain closeness!. But, you must be willing to allow the give and take!.
As I said before though, we are alone and will never be completely understood by any other on the planet!. The trick is to be happy to understand yourself and love yourself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I feel alone every waking moment of my life, and I have a 6 member family (without myself)!. I know that they are important to me, but they won't be huge parts later on in my life!. They'll be finishing theirs, and I'll be living the climax of mine!.
Of course no one understands me!. No one CAN understand anyone else fully!. You can always try, and sometimes you can be pretty close (psycologists) but every person is different, and every part of them is slightly different from everyone else!. I can always tell people about my problems, but even then my thoughts are edited!. They never know my true feelings, and therefore will never truly understand me!.
My life is about me, it's not supposed to have supporting characters!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I feel life is passing me by with someone so unloving!. I can talk more here of my views than with a partner!. Its far much better not to be understood here when you can find a bunch of excuses, than with the person just right infront of you who never does!.
It seems that one feel like a fossil hidden under the earth and waiting to be found!.!.at least someone who could really treasure you and what you really are!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sure!. That disconnect is normal with other humans as a species!. We are on the lookout for what separates us from the herd, for what makes us special, for our unique qualities!. This point of view gets all mixed up when we date, as suddenly we're on the back foot - we're looking for all the qualitifes in common!. Suddenly, all those great, one-of-a-kind elements are in total disjunct with the new person in our lives!.

As many in this forum have said, humans are solitary!. But I think, solitary to a point!. Inevitably, we will look for people that share our values - the things that we believe in most!. Everything else is superficial!. I would posit that you haven't yet met the person that shares your deepest beliefs and that while you might talk, you may not get to the level of "Yeah! That's exactly how I feel!.!.!." It's not easy, but they're out there!. Good luck on the journey!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You're born alone and you die alone!. Everything else in between is just filling up time!.
