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Position:Home>Philosophy> When you say "i am the accumulation of my past experiences" (a memory/

Question: When you say "i am the accumulation of my past experiences" (a memory/thought) does it mean you are a thought!?
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No, I am not thought!. When you say " I am accumulating ", there is somebody who is accumulating, who is he!? it is the 'I',- the 'I' that has to be different from the thoughts!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am not a thought, but the thoughts of my past experiences is what makes me who I am today!. Those thoughts are what help me make decisions on what I will or will not do in the present!. Those thoughts are what I use to make opinions about what is happening in the present!. That is why when two people experience the same event, they personally experience it differently!. No one remembers the past exactly the same, because of the experiences that have occurred in their life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Thoughts are addendums, and the mind is the up-loader and downloader of them, a vast ocean with seabed and shoreline!. But where one says it is the accumulation of its past experiences -- after all, Soul is exactly what one is -- what one is denoting a glaring misnomer; this, by identifying itself with a portion, though a great and powerful portion -- the mind -- but the mind in its fullest is but the lesser and not the greater, which is to say, he or she is mistaking the true entity itself within each of us, and what each of us is, Soul, to be a deciduous thing, one subject to past, present, and future, that is, subject to time; and though this portion is a seeming interminable one, compliments of the Mind, it is nonetheless but a sum, which follows and followed, and which does not precede or did precede or will precede Soul, for time is surmountable, while Soul is not, nor is it divisible by any means that it would so allow its dividing and subtracting!. For when one says "you," what one actually speaks to is a spark so fine as to be invisible, yet so strong as to be unbreakable from the bond and fabric that is Existence itself!.

And so not by any means borne of Mind is one the thought of another!. At a scale of being and non-being, however, well --- now, this is a consideration that is worthy of reflection!. For Soul does indeed bear forth from out of a Mighty Force and Harmony, an inconceivably staggering might and power, for which the only proximal expression we can give it is to say, we are a thought -- though truly is Soul an Impulse brought forth by 'Another', yes, but for which there exists no words -- no thoughts -- that truly may approximate just what this is, a power, which any one soul is; so great as to liken the power and effort that created one grand universe to but come off as a mere blip!. Such is it a sentient potential and power impulsed into being to create a soul and therein lies still dormant in that Soul, and of which that Soul -- any Soul -- is the hologram in every respect; -- the selfsame latent power, a molten potential untapped!. And nothing of Mind countenances much less trifles with it!. For while the Mind is a mighty thing, with incomparable capabilities, it cannot approach that which is Soul, for as little as Mind to even approach what Soul is, is to measure the light of a mere firefly against that of a Supernova; and even that pales as an analogy and in comparison!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well now,this reminds me of the inescapable self!. " I think therefor I am " I think is the quote!. Really this just affirms that we have thought or at least the only thing we can be sure of is the existence of our own thoughts!. In this way then, our world and all that exists there, is really no more than a series of thoughts which would appear to include ourselves!.
For me though it starts to get complicated after this point!. Does that mean that I have asked this question, and all the other questions on yahoo, of myself!?
Does this mean that anything is truely imaginable and achievable!? Going down this road would blow all my points of reference to the real world clean out of the water!. We have to take certain risks with regaurds to the tangible world!. If we can feel solid objects and appear to be engaging with others then we must take the risk of assuming these things to be more than mere thought!. Then it is fair to say that we are probally more than just thought!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am a THOUGHT form of God and every creation is HIs thought form of God!.
Kri in sanskrit is KARMA, action & reaction,cause & effect, Sowing & reaping!. Human, by his thoughts & actions moulds his destiny!. It contributes to the good or ill of world & people!.
He has to Transcend spiritualy
Oneday iwill find my immortality in GOd!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In philosophical terms, how do you distinguish between your perception of yourself and what you actually are!? Are you real!? Or are you virtual!? (to use more familiar language)

If you are real, then how do you know, given that all we can do is perceive things, including ourselves!?

So the philosophical question is whether our perception of our body actually corresponds to the existence of a real body!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A human being is not a 'thing' but a 'process'!. What it 'is' is defined by what it 'does'!.
You are whatever you are thinking and doing!. This means that you are a being that is thinking, breathing, digesting, etc!.
Past experience is merely one factor that determines the state of your being!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

hierarchical thinking, the emptiness that is accumulating the experiences!. the ineffable thing!.

universally thinking, it is also possible that the thought thinking about itself!. it is not necessary a preceiver to exist for something to exist!.

there are so many views!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That merely makes you a collective of past experiences!.
If a memory is a photo, then you are the photobook!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because our essential nature is apart from the past experiences we are saying like that knowingly or unknowingly!.
The very fact that we are observing the thought confers that
we are not thought!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I suppose that we all part of a collective conciousness!. Therefore our emanations are composed of thought that is an expression of matter!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, not just a thought!.!.!.I am the responsible to be ever - VESSEL - of what bitter/sweetness has collected there, due to ownership toward my actions and all my experiences!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is said by people who fear the nakedness of self so must don clothing made of thoughts to hide in!.
