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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why do i think clearer in the middle of the night?

Question: Why do i think clearer in the middle of the night!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Many times I wish that I could record what I think in the night!. It seems so clear and rational!.
Benjamin Franklin would nap about 17 times a day!. He found that he was smarter or at least came up with more wit when he was drowsy!. He would recline next to his desk with pen and paper at hand!. He held some heavy keys over a metal can and as he dozed off, he would drop the keys in the metal can, it would waken him and he would write down what ever was on his mind!.
Many executives sit back and look like they are asleep and when they come up with their ideas, they awaken and write them down!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

perhaps you are in a state of meditation!. By that I mean, you probably hear your subconsciousness much clearer because all these thoughts that flow in and out of your head all day aren't there!. When you are calm and peaceful, your subconscious will move forward and things absolutely become more clear b/c it is what you truly feel / want / believe!. Your not clouded by what if's or regret or hope!. It is what it is with your subconscious!. it doesn't lie to you like your "surface" thoughts may!.

!.!.!.and that is really the essence of meditation!. That's why people who meditate on a regular basis always seem more "self aware"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

During the day we're faced with thousands of decisions that we're not even aware we're making, like which key will start our car, how to separate it from the other keys, how to hold it and how to push it into the ignition, etc!.!. Plus we make a ton of simple decisions like what clothes to wear and which cup we'll drink from!. Once we get out of the house we have to make decisions that our lives depend on, like when to cross the street, or pull into traffic, plus decisions that our jobs depend on, including what to say to who or if we should speak at all!. Add to those the thousands of advertising messages we're bombarded with (on people's clothes and well as the obvious ones)!. Even though all of those decisions and random input can take place in a split second, they keep our brains busier during the day!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i'm not sure if it's true or not, but the way it feels to me, is like if my side of the brain responsible for logic, math, and that kind of stuff is used less, and my imagination side takes over more!. so in that sense i feel like i can think clearer!. like if ever i have a project to do or need to come up with ideas for something, i will often try to think of it as i'm going to sleep!. but sometimes it ends up not being so great of an idea because i end up not sleeping!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

because when u start to fall asleep, the first part of ur brain that drifts off is the judgment one, much liek when u are drunk, so u only belive ur thinking clearer because ur judgment is so impaired, usualee wen i think im thinking crystal in the middle of the night, i remind myself thats probablee when im the most out of it ?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Good one!.!.!. Those whom you sharing thoughts with whether you know it or not, getting unconscious, sleeping in another words!.Big chunk of thoughts which does not belong to you just dissappear!.And you experience lightness or clarity with your own thoughts It also happen when people concerning with themselves, bad weather, weekends!.!.!.shifting focus from others to themselves !.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Many people get Ahah! moments late at night- for a while, 3:30am was my time of realization and perfect thinking!. I made the habit of keeping a notebook around, and I now look back at those moments, and it was really incredible!.


I do to!.

I don't really know how to explain it- One of my assumption is that it's more quiet in the middle of the night, Perhaps their is just some unexplainable reason that some people just think better at night then during day!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think clearer @ nite 2!. It's cause u don't hav all those distractions!. also, u tend 2 b in a reflective mood @ the end of the day!.!.!. cause it's the end of the day!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because it is more quiet and peaceful!.!.
Cares for that day were finished and night time is time for relax!. The more it gets deeper at night!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

depending on your age, it could be that your brain functions better in the later hours as most young people do!. circadian rythym is your answerWww@QuestionHome@Com

Coz the cloud clears at night for the stars to appear!. I am all starry eyed even in the day time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Silence clears the brain!!!Peace clears our conscience!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe the voices in your head get tired!.Www@QuestionHome@Com