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Position:Home>Philosophy> If God told you the meaning of life was something simple, can you really be sati

Question: If God told you the meaning of life was something simple, can you really be satisfied with the answer!?
What if God said the meaning of life was to procreate, or live life to the fullest, or simply to eat bananas, would you and can you be satisfied with the answer enough to actually do it!?

Or, if God let you pick the meaning of life, what would you pick!?

I ask these questions because I never quite understood why people seek the meaning of life or why knowing is so important!. I doubt knowing the answer would change anything!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The suit reflects the man, so if my purpose in life is to eat bananas then God has made a monkey out of me!. In all humility I would have to submit, but I sure wouldn't like it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's all relative!. The meaning to my life can be different than the meaning to someone else's!.

Person 1: Wants to have children and a family!. Their meaning to life is most likely procreation!.

Myself: No interest in children and love to travel, learn & explore!. My meaning to life is simply to Live & Experience!.

It's just all relative!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'd accept anything God told me as true!. And, I think the prupose of life is to learn how to be tolerant, loving, and forgiving!. I think it is impossible for a spirit to enter the spiritual world where everyone knows everyone's thoughts and retain traits such as extremism, intolerance, and hate without fogiveness!.

And, if God told me to choose a purpose for life, I'd tell him my descision is to let him decide, since he is infinitly wise, intelligent, merciful, and good!.I don't want to play God, nor am I qualified for the job!. Human logic and perspective is far too limited for any one of us to PROCLAIM the meaning of life!.

Then again, everyone has different meanings to their lives!. Some have more than one meaning, some think they have none when they live for their children (trying to make them good, tolerant, loving people), live for their country, live for their family, or live to make the world a better place in general like a TRUE leader (not like those extremist in Washington)!.

Just my opinion, I could be wrong!.

Take care :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

We are no more or no less than "the will to receive" i!. e egoism, we want to receive pleasure for our own sake - we only think in terms of "how can I benefit from this" or "whats in it for me"

while God/Creator, is the "the will to bestow" 100% giving, never for oneself, but for the sake of others (his creations)

Once we learn that this type of selfishness is the root cause of all our suffering and misery, we will then turn to the creator, but not to receive more pleasure from him, but to simply learn how to be like him!.

If you feel like this make any sense, check out the links belowWww@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah, I think I could!. If God said, "Love," or "Worshipping Me" or "Enjoying Life," or any number of simple things like that, I think I'd accept that as the final answer!.

And God telling me the answer implies direct evidence of God and a final answer to another big question!.

But anyway, God doesn't usually come straight out and tell us that stuff!. God is more like in the Crash Test Dummies, "God Shuffled His Feet!." A bit reticent!.


If God told me the meaning of life was something that simple, I'd ask him why he made life so long!. It wouldn't seem necessary for us to live beyond puberty!.

If God told me to pick the meaning, I'd tell him to do his own work!. I'm not equipped to create meaning for all of mankind!. What kind of lazy God would outsource such an important job!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

God is imaginary!. I'm pretty sure one cannot talk with something that doesn't exist!. The meaning of life is to live life to the fullest potential!. Setting goals and achieving happiness while keeping our own-self interest in mind!. I'm not sure why one wouldn't want to seek the meaning of life!. There is meaning to life!. Guess what it is!. LIVING!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I dont know if i would be satisfied if the meaning of life was to eat bananas!. The other two would be okay!.!.!.If God let me pick the meaning of life, i would want it to be to find true love!. lol i sound corny!

I don't get why people try and seek the meaning of life either!. Silly!.!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

The truth is, that the only meaning of life is to have SEX as often as possible!. Never mind anything else!. have sex, and you be healthy, happy, and smiling!.

Here is the problem!.!.!. is there a meaning to life!? To argue that the meaning is something simple would imply there is a meaning!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You just made me angry and I don't know why!.Www@QuestionHome@Com