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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you favour Plato or Aristotle?

Question: Do you favour Plato or Aristotle!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I only favor, I never favourWww@QuestionHome@Com

Aristotle for sure!.

For the answerer above who says Plato was more practical than Aristotle!.!.!.what on Earth are you talking about!!!!?!?!? Have you ever read either one of those philosophers!? How is a philosophy of the Forms more practical than philosophy based off reality as experienced by human beings in their every day lives!?

It took an entire book (the Republic) for Plato to explain society and to give it ground rules, all because of the extra effort you have to make in order to get to that point when you start with such abstract ideas as the Forms!. Aristotle could explain society and give it ground rules in a matter of a few sentences!.

Granted, thanks to Plato we do get a (morphed) Socrates!. To what point Socrates is the real Socrates, and to what point he's just being used as a mouthpiece for Plato is highly debatable, however!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Plato!. I think he was more practical than Aristotle if such a thing is possible!. And it is with Plato that we get Socrates, so it is a sort of two for one deal!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


either one is awsum!. maybe aristotleWww@QuestionHome@Com
