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Position:Home>Philosophy> If you could turn back time would you and why?

Question: If you could turn back time would you and why!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
No, eveything that has happened in my life is for a reason that I am not aware of just yet, so I wouldn't change a thing, nor do I want to repeat the abuse that I endured, either - so no!.

Would you!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

When I was younger I probably would have answered yes to this question, but now that I've lived long enough to understand the divine timing of things, I would have to say no!. Life is too short to have regrets!. All we can do is take it with a grain of salt and learn from our mistakes!. Life is a test, and every test is unique (just as every soul is unique)!. If we (as people) didn't suffer through our trial and error process, we wouldn't be the strong, wise people that we are today!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i've always thought that i would do it and change things but to be honest my life has a habit of working out for the best as long as i work hard and keep on keepin on, over time i have ended up a lot happier than i would have because i just accepted what was happening and found away around it instead of fighting it, sounds fatalist i know but for example: i got sacked from a good job a cupla years back and i was shattered at the time, but i have since landed a job paying 3 times as much and have had the oppurtunity to travel all over the world since an i couldn't be happier!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Oh, no!. You make history each and every single day!. If you do your utmost to (an no one gets it right all the time) to make each opportunity a good one, just do your best, extend every kindness to others possible, then the world and history takes care of itself!. Period!. Such a simple lesson!. Only a few learn it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I wouldn't turn back time to change my life because I've lived it without regrets but I would turn back time to a time before me, to look at the world as it was -- to see the dinosaurs, to witness the birth of civilization and many other events that are lost to us!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Probably, back to my 20's to be energetically trim, slim, and fit again!. If I could not turn the clock back and take my 'now' knowledge with me, I'd have to think about it!. I like where I am and where I've been!. Life has made me uniquely me and I love this lady!Www@QuestionHome@Com

If I could go back in time!.!.!.I don't think I would really change anything!. There have been times in my life that were pretty rotten, but I feel that that is what made me who I am today!. All the challenges we go through in life makes us stronger!. Even the senseless B!.S!. that we deal with at times!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I wish I could do that!.!.!.!. I want to see Alexander the great, Leonardo Da Vinci, and visit ancient persia and egypt!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would do that!.

To change few outcomes, correct my mistakes, etc!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!. I'd love to see the rise and fall of an ancient civilization!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. Once is enough for me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com