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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is this why organizations responsible for safety critical software are successfu

Question: Is this why organizations responsible for safety critical software are successful !?
<<Leadership, leadership, leadership!.!.!

It cannot be sufficiently expressed and highlighted the importance of a good team and organisation leader or CEO!.>>Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The success of any organisation, nation, group or party is heavily reliant upon strong leadership or the absence thereof!. Many cooks spoil the broth is a maxim inferring many minds create conflict and compromised applications rather than asserted and focused goals, as each is governed and driven by partial if not complete self interest or agenda!.

One strong competent, intelligent expert with exceptional managerial and organisational skills along with a comprehension of the markets attributes and their constantly changing effects upon his craft and industry!. An inspiring personality with fortitude and resolve will raise an empire and sustain its power effortlessly!.

Independently governed and self counselled team leaders are rare and inestimable in their value!. Persons with such attributes are seldom marketing their services!. Self made CEO's who have built their empires from a pipe dream have a greater likelihood of success because of their personal investment and integrity in the project!.

Incentive and bonus packages create an environment of healthy endeavour and competition but are incomparable to the organisation led and shrive by a strong leader!.

Whether in the home or company !.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com