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Question: Adversity, hardship and hurdles!.!.!.!?
What adversities, hardships and hurdles have you had to over come in life!? What did they teach you about yourself / life!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There could be many things in life that could become problematic provided we happen to a mind set badly, to facilitate the happening of bad things!. But I would not like to recount here as how many, or what, things could go wrong, where many could crop up in my apprehensions, but none of them real!. The reality of a normal life is that there could be just few things at one time needing our special attention!.

The greatest adversity, hardship or a hurdle that has been in my life hindering my progress, making things hard for me and rendering me unhappy is the way I understand things of my life, my perception, my attitude toward normal things of my life!. The adversity of my mind in its various forms is still with me making my life hard!. I try to learn and improve all the time … I mean all the time!. But I have not found a formula of a secret of make it all easy once and for all!. This might be possible for me to stay relatively vigilant and move with time, in preparation of upcoming situations, and trying to turn challenges into opportunities, but the world will never be finished, I think!.

I would not worry about what is coming in my way if I am ready and prepared!. I believe the locus of control lies within, i!.e!. if we find discipline of peace and harm within then we can avoid many situations turning into problematic right from the outset!. In this sense, I think, we as our mind could be the main hurdle in the way of us being successful and happy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It starts right from the childhood while a child learns to walk !. Though the parents are helping , but child always desired to perfrom his deeds independently !. It falls ,cries and again get up and perform !. So life is also like that , the sequence never stops and it go on occuring without any stoppage , and things turned to fruitful is joyous and rest all adversities , hardships, hurdles!. But without that the goal is not getting fulfilled !. The eigteenth century is for discoveries and invention in the world !. All types of hardships and hurdles faced by the human race right from the age of stone age and result today is diffrent !.
The individual performs his job and work which is destined to be and may get result within his tenure of life or may not !.Gelilio was compelled by the priests of the church to say that the earth is square and not round and he had to come to his knees despite he faced through out his life !. One scientist who has given maximum invention had seen one morning that his lab is burning with fire !. He showed that laughingly to his wife that its such a fire that had not seen by him earlier !. He started his job from the ashes and next year gave two new inventions !. So its a work destined to be performed and one who enjoys doing that never feel that it is a hurdle or hardship!. It goes on !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your question is very subjective since people have differing opinions on their own definitions of what you're asking!. Someone might answer, "Overcoming a stutter", as to their hurdle!. Someone else might think having a hangnail is adversity!. It all depends!. Do you have a point!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

AH to the power of two!.Overcome life!?!?!?!!! When I meet with one I just decide to climb it, right!. What else would you do!?!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com