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Position:Home>Philosophy> If we come from evalution then how come no apes have become human in our time?

Question: If we come from evalution then how come no apes have become human in our time!?
you dont see this in nature, no ones found big foot yet!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yet we see human turning into religious apes everyday!.!.!. LOLWww@QuestionHome@Com

1!. The evolution of man, from the first ape that walked upright, to modern homosapiens, took about 2 million years of evolution!. It's not something that happens overnight

2!. Contrary to popular belief, man DID evolve parallel to other upright apes, such as homo Florensis, Homo Erectus, Cro-Magnon, and Neanderthals!. Early man competed with these other upright apes, eventually driving them to extinction!. The only primates that survived where the tree dwelling monkies and the great apes that had suitable geographic isolation!.

3!. The monkies of today have no means of establishing a useful ecological niches, as most of the useful land is already taken by, well, us!. Right now, a primates best chance for survival is clinging to the trees away from human settlements!. Moving to the plane and evolving upright stances and large brains would put them in direct competition with us, something that ain't gonna turn out in their favor, given our relatively impressive head start!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

For centuries, the only ape in the same Tribe as Homo sapiens has been the Chimp and its cousin the Bonobo!. Scientists are now ready to move the chimp up--to the same genus as man, to that of being a "Homo" something or other!. The Bonobo will remain where it is!.

"Genetic tests comparing DNA from humans, chimps, gorillas and orang-utans reveal striking similarities in the way chimps and humans evolve that set them apart from the others!.

The finding adds weight to a controversial proposal to scrap the long-used chimp genus "Pan" and reclassify the animals as members of the human family!. The move would give chimps a new place in creation's pecking order alongside humans, the only survivor of the genus Homo!."
http://www!.guardian!.co!.uk/science/2006/j!.!.!. etc!.

Chimps, therefore, evolved along with Bonobos away from the Family of "Homonidea" to which all other apes belong; but Chimps evolved away from Bonobos into the genus of "Homo!."

It has happened!.

Besides, who says it must happen in your time table, i!.e!., "in our time"!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I cannot believe this question!.

Evolution, takes MILLIONS of years!. We did not evolve from the apes that exist today, all species of ape and human evolved from an ape-like creature that existed millions upon millions of years ago!.

I really doubt that Big Foot will ever exist!. We are beings of intelligence, where is the need for physical dominance!? If we did evolve, it would take millions more years to see any changes in ourselves or other species!. It doesn't happen in decades or even centuries!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The great apes are a separate species!. Humans and great apes evolved from a common ancestor long ago!. You don't see a complicated species change in only a generation or two!. That is why we study fruit flies!. They only live a few days so many generations can be studied!. Keep thinking!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think you will find that the general idea now is that although apes and humans share 98% of the same DNA apes split
off and are a different species altogether so that apes and
humans evolved away from each other and are now on their own separate evolutionary paths!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

2000 years of our time is just a mere speck in the time line of evolution!. Our species could have advance slightly faster than our primate cousins!.

Other primate species may not be as far behind us as you might think!. Just watch this video!.


based on this question it is obvious that you do not understand evolutionary theory!. This is a good starting point though!. keep reading!.!.!.!.by the way no one has found a vampire or ware wolf yet either!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We don't!. But, by the way we are turning the world into a trash heap and the continual waging of war I'm beginning to think they are on a higher scale and would,t wont toWww@QuestionHome@Com

Watch the Discovery Channel!.!.!.!.!.you'll see evolution is happening all around us!.!.!.!.everyday!.

We''re even still evolving!.

Look at our great grandparents!.!.!.!.!.we're bigger, taller, stronger and live longer than they did!.!.!.!.!.that's called evolution!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

evolution is claimed to be a slow process!. Slow to the point we will never see the whole picture while we are on earth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because the other various strains of ape on this planet are not in line to become top predator!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Natural selectionWww@QuestionHome@Com

Probably because that's not what evolution predicts!.Www@QuestionHome@Com