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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you belive in your Zodiac Symbol??

Question: Do you belive in your Zodiac Symbol!?!?
not horoscopes, but just the base of you zodiac sign!. like you personalty, your faults!.!.!.etc!.!.!.!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I find it really frustrating!. Being a scientist, I want to find out if and why these things work!. I would like to believe that zodiac signs aren't correct!. However, Having been to several job interviews and a course in behavioural training lately, I have been psychometrically profiled several times lately and they have all been very similar to each other and also to the traits that are considered to be those of my sign!.
Having said that, I think that a study of the zodiac and the Tarot are really important if you want to understand the deeper meaning of the bible!. The parallels in symbology are breathtaking!.
By the way, it was the Assyrians not the Babylonians!. The Assyrians were also able to predict that Sirius has a 23000 year periodicity to its brightness that modern astronomers have only just figured out!. Maybe they knew something we don't!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, zodiac symbols based on constellations and superstition are just that superstition!. They are an invention!. Used to explain behaviors!. They are not valid as the descriptions of personality assigned to each 'sign' could be just as easily applied to any of the other signs of the Zodiac!. For example, persons born under the star sign of Taurus, the bull, are said to be as stubborn and determined as the namesake, but I've known some pretty rock headed Libras in my time, and that sign is about balance and peace!. Look, it's just good fun, an entertainment, but I wouldn't put too much stock in it!. Star signs are merely generalizations that could be applied to anyone and someone is bound to find themselves in them or to recognize parts of their personality in them!. Don't take it all too seriously!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

One thing most people are very good at is rationalizing almost anything in almost any way to make it relate to them!. I see the zodiac as a series of creative and detailed beliefs anyone can choose to apply to themselves or others to explain unknowables or potentials!.

Depending on ones level of "need to know themselves" they will often grasp on to anything to define who they are or who they "Want to be!." It can actually help many people choose a direction prior to the realization that they can already decide to be, do and attain anything they want!. It's a sort of an "optional plan" until which point a person can figure out who they are on their own!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes I do believe in it!. My personality fits my zodiac sign perfect!. Before I ever read the traits of my sign, I was already all those things!. Its odd but i can usually tell who's also my sign by just getting to know them!. I'll ask them and their all freaked out that I knew!. I just don't believe its just our zodiac signs that influence us because there's also our upbringing, environment, culture and so and so forth but I do believe that there's something bigger out there that may also influence who we become!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes, my reasoning!? i did an experiment, i got familiar with the zodiacs then i tried to guess my families sun sign, all of them, and guess what i got it all correct! all 4 people 1/12 chances each!. lucky!? i think not

anyway ask this at the horoscope section, youll get more answers

i believe astrology gives order, order in our personality and actions, if there werent maybe psychos and weirdos were born everydayWww@QuestionHome@Com

Now if you figured out the stupidest thing possible it would be astrology!. It is amazing how people are fooled by this nonsense!.

And your 'sign' isn't even your sign - the night sky has changed since the 2nd millennium BCE when this crap was invented by Babylonian idiots!.

Your 'sign' has nothing to do with anything - never did - never will - it's all crap for stupid people!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes i do--it matches quite well with my personality nd the things tht i do--to test whr it rele works i took members of my family nd freinds signs to see how it matches--nd to a great extent it dos! i just don't believe it wen it talks about how it'll affect my future and hows it's affecting in the present---tht's all crap!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. How can stars millions of miles away determine anything in our existence!? It doesn't make sense, but masses of people believe this lie!.
It's like, astrology,!.!.!.!. get real!. How could the fact that I was born at a certain time determine anything in my life!. My DNA, my parents, my upbringing, my surrounding culture and finally, my choices, determine my existence!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

do you believe in it!?
do you want to calculate the percentage population!?
what do you want to calculate!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!.!.In fact I had been surveying people for several years!. Just to prove it even just to myself!.!.
I learned many similarities in aspects from same kinds than in different zodiac symbols!.
I can tell each one strong unique qualities!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, I have a friend that is into it more than I am, she asked me one day when my birthday was, and she nailed me down to the very last detail!. She did it to my wife as well!. I believe!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Don't know much about that zodiac stuff!. But I do know what sign I was born under!. The walls were green, and the sign said Maternity Ward B!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe my sign EXISTS!.

Again, hopelessly vauge question!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, it's ancient pseudo-science based on Ptolemaic astronomy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes i believe your sign can tell ALOT about a person!.!.!. Im sorta into it, and it helps me figure people outWww@QuestionHome@Com