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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is homelessness just around the corner?

Question: Is homelessness just around the corner!?
How can we accept to live in a society that does not fully care about homelessness!?
How can we prevent homelessness!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It is most certainly a source of shame for most societies to have any number of homeless folk living on the street!. International community spirit!. Monarchies, dictatorships and governments based upon similar principles have greater peace, prosperity and pride in their nation’s image and welfare than fly by night, temporal and transient administrations!.

Responsibility is the issue!. Whether a family or a nation, its survival and standing depends upon its patriarch or leader!. A strong leader of family head, binds and unifies, dispels any disputes and by virtue of their presence calm and love flourish as trust is placed in the hands of a competent and dependable elder!.

Rising prices of housing and accommodation, domestic disputes and conflict and an innate nature of disgruntled fatigue and restlessness have causes an imbalance in society!. Inestimably rich or struggling for survival creates inequity throughout the rank and file society!. Homelessness should be a source of shame!. But sycophants and sophisticates will provide lengthy discourses on reasons for its existence and self determinism!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is really woolly thinking!. Homelessness isn't a problem!. It's a symptom of a problem!. It has very little to do with the mechanics of supply and demand economics, its has little to do with a section of society being disenfranchised!. The majority of homeless folks want to be nomadic and live outside the norms of society!. I think they have a right to do so!. Because of this, I don't care that they do and I won't cater for them to do so!.
The amount of homeless will increase proportionally with the availability of soup kitchens!. Make it hard to be homeless and you'll have fewer homeless!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's a difficult question!. Some people with multiple problems are a nightmare to find placement for because of behavioural issues!. Who would volunteer to house someone who randomly screams obscenities, is violent and dillusional!?
They refuse to stay on their meds!. and are paranoid of the very people trying to help them!. It is heartbreaking!. No one wants their property damaged or to feel in danger!.
Forceably medicating people interferes with court ordered freedom and rights!. Warehousing people in institutions has been disbanded in most cities!. Many of these people self medicate with street drugs!. There needs to be more places for these vulnerable and dangerous people!. What is the answer!? I did volunteer street work for years with street people and there was nowhere for them!.
Much of society has given up on these folks!. Some of them are gifted musicians, artists and writers!.
I think part of the solution is earlier diagnosis and treatment for the mental health issues and easier access to the care, therapy and medication these people need to stay health!.
Currently the system is too difficult to navigate and the waitlists are too long!. It would be a start!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Homelessness is here to stay! With the economy in the trenches, there will be more, so many more!. The people who found themselves homeless in the early 1980's, was largely due to the fact that these people just could not keep the pace with the rest of society!. A lot of them found that homelessness was not only a means of living, but they were free of any obligation to themselves or anyone else!. For a lot of them, it became a way of life!. Soup kitchens popped up everywhere to accomodate them, as well as shelters!. Now we will see a whole new generation, unfortunately!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it's difficult to prevent because there are so many causes!.

In part, it's just general human decency!. If you're a landlord and have a tenant that's a month or two behind, if you're capable of letting them stay, why kick them out!? They're much more likely to get caught up in rent if they aren't sleeping on a park bench at night!.

One issue is also how we, as a nation (U!.S!.) are distributing funds!. People buy 10,000 dollar televisions, but don't realize that 10k can house someone for a year!.

It's a difficult matter to combat because no one really knows how to deal with it!. I think one major aid would be something as simple as a government system of shelters!. Universal healthcare can also reduce homelessness -- it's unbelievable how many people lose their homes because they're paying medical bills!.

In part, we just need to work through things one step at a time!. Helping someone else to reach success doesn't come at the cost of your own success -- if one person is successful, we are all a bit more successful!. And if one person is homeless, we might as well all be homeless!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I work at a shelter, and the "homeless" are much less charming at close range!. Frankly, the whole problem is exacerbated by society's "right" to take people off the street and people's "entitlement issues" that say, "come on in and expect us to do everything for you!."

Maybe homelessness is a bad issue to pitch your liberal agenda around!. Most homeless folks laugh at your bleeding heart!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You have too, just get on with it!. Everyone does!. Give some money to your local charity that works with homeless people to assuage your guilt!.

You can't prevent it!. It's one of the consequences of supply and demand economics, of drug abuse, of sexual assault and child abuse, of inadequate mental health programs-you'd have to spend trillions of dollars to stop all those thinga and where do you think you're going to get that kind of money when there are countries out there with oil that are just begging to be invaded!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

The homeless!?! I feel!. Are all to much like birds to the human eye!?! There is so much in life, to many people take for granted!? The sun!. The moon!. The stars!. The trees!.!.!.The rain!? The birds!?! The beautiful birds that sing, daily!. To many people that don't listen, for not enough care!?! Why!? Cause tomorrow is another day and they will still be there!? So they think!?! Too many take too much for granted!?! For too many truly walk everyday the same road, street or path, through life!.!.!.sadly, it's no so much their eyes are closed as much as their hearts and minds are not only closed but so very ignorant to life itself!.!.!.!?!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The community should recognize deserving help from the government to help real homeless people by making an effort to do it so!. To build up more shelters to accomodate more unfortunate people!. They can be able to know if a particular homeless person can receive that privilege, the people and the government may render!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If govt's don't make it a priority it will continue!. People need to care enough to write their govt officials & let them know they need to get their priorities in order!. The US seems to help other countries out more than it does it's own citizens in need!.!.!.!.it's pathetic!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think homeless people should enlist in the army!. Becuz most don;t have much to live for and the army will feed them and provide shelter since they'll live in the bases!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the strength of the chain is only its weakest link

look at how Japan did it, they dont have PovertyWww@QuestionHome@Com


its really hard to accept, but we cant help them if they dont help themselves!.

Homelessness is the condition and societal category of people who lack housing and food, usually because they cannot afford a regular, safe, and adequate shelter!. The term "homelessness" may also include people whose primary nighttime residence is in a homeless shelter, in an institution that provides a temporary residence for individuals intended to be institutionalized, or in a public or private place not designed for use as a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings

The term used to describe homeless people in academic articles and government reports is "homeless people"!. Popular slang terms, some of which are considered derogatory, include: vagrant, tramp, hobo (U!.S!.)or the wandering poor!. The term '(of) No Fixed Abode' (NFA) is used in legal circumstances!. Sometimes the term “houseless” is used to reflect a more accurate condition in some cases!.

A small number of homeless people choose to be homeless, living as nomads!. "Nomadism has been a way of life in many cultures for thousands of years" either due to the "!.!.!.seasonal availability of plants and animals" or an "ability to trade!." A 2001 study on homelessness issues in Europe noted that "Urban transience [e!.g!., homelessness] is different from nomadism/rootlessness or traveling !.!.!." in that nomads and Gypsy travellers in caravans have "planned mobility" rather than forced mobility!.

In Britain, most nomadic people are Roma (or Gypsy) people, Irish travellers, Kalé from North Wales, and Scottish travellers!. Many of these people "!.!.!. continue to maintain a semi-nomadic lifestyle and live in caravans"; however, "others have chosen to settle more permanently in houses!."Some European countries have developed policies that acknowledge the unique nomadic (or "travelling") life of Gypsy people; Similar work has also been done by the Australian government, regarding the subgroup of Aborigine people who are nomadic!. In large Japanese cities such as Tokyo, the "many manifestations of urban nomadism" include day laborers and subculture groups!.

Homeless people are more likely to suffer injuries and medical problems from their lifestyle on the street, which includes poor nutrition, substance abuse, exposure to the severe elements of weather, and a higher exposure to violence (robberies, beatings, and so on)!. Yet at the same time, they have little access to public medical services or clinics, in many cases because they lack health insurance: "Each year, millions of people in the United States experience homelessness and are in desperate need of health care services!. Most do not have health insurance of any sort, and none have cash to pay for medical care!."

Homeless persons often find it difficult to document their date of birth or their address!. Because homeless people usually have no place to store possessions, they often lose their belongings, including their identification and other documents, or find them destroyed by police or others!. Without a photo ID, homeless persons cannot get a job or access many social services!. They can be denied access to even the most basic assistance: clothing closets, food pantries, certain public benefits, and in some cases, emergency shelters!.

Obtaining replacement identification is difficult!. Without an address, birth certificates cannot be mailed!. Fees may be cost-prohibitive for impoverished persons!. And some states will not issue birth certificates unless the person has photo identification, creating a Catch-22!.

This problem is far less acute in countries which provide free-at-use health care, such as the UK, where hospitals are open-access day and night, and make no charges for treatment!. In the US, free-care clinics, especially for the homeless do exist in major cities, but they are usually over-burdened with patients!.

The conditions affecting the homeless are somewhat specialized and have opened a new area of medicine tailored to this population!. Skin conditions and diseases abound, because homeless people are exposed to extreme cold in the winter and they have little access to bathing facilities!. Homeless people also have more severe dental problems than the general population!. Specialized medical textbooks have been written to address this for providers

There are many organizations providing free care to the homeless in countries which do not offer free medical treatment organised by the state, but the services are in great demand given the limited number of medical practitioners!. For example, it might take months to get a minimal dental appointment in a free-care clinic!. Communicable diseases are of great concern, especially tuberculosis, which spreads more easily in crowded homeless shelters in high density urban settings!.Www@QuestionHome@Com