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Position:Home>Philosophy> Can failure be considered a success if it's made by choice?

Question: Can failure be considered a success if it's made by choice!?
if the person who fails acknowledges their path and accepts it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There are no failure or mistakes!.!.!.only oppertunitys to learn and grow!.!.!.!.!.!.everything happens for a reason!.

Whether a person learns from those 'mis-takes'!.!.!.that is a choice!.
What we do with any learning!.!.!.that is the next step along the Path!.!.!.!.which is also a Choice!.

Peace and Love to All

No definitely not!. What is failure!? Failure is to act against the common good!. Then murder, rape, theft, adultery, suicide, child neglect, etc!. are all examples of failure as they go against that common good!. So, is murder considered a success if made by choice!? Is rape considered a success if made by choice!?

Failure is an act that can be excessive and/or deficient, meaning that it's vicious!. As a vice then, failure would have a mean, such as success, which lies in between excessive failure and the deficient failure!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It can't be said that you've succeeded or failed at something if you didn't choose to try!. Achievements require intent!. Just because this is so, however, doesn't mean choosing is enough for succeeding!. You have to actually reach the goal you intended to reach!. Goals are the sole measure of success!. The only point of trying to succeed is to reach these goals!.

If a person doesn't acknowledge a failure they're just complicating their view of reality, and this will likely cause them additional problems!. However, this doesn't imply that by acknowledging their failure, it "erases" the fact that they failed in the first place, which in its own right, would be another confusion of reality, doomed to provoke unpredictable effects!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In a world of relativity which is happen to be our living environments, one thing is a cause for another thing to manifest and another thing is a cause which is responsible for third, and so on !. So there is a chain failure/success depend of your personal perspective!.!.!.For someone that you perceive as a failure would be perceived as a success!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hey sophia i dunno where r u frm but in india from 3yrs child till 22 or 23 yrs adult one goes through school and college,then job and marriage then kids then retire frm job get their children married and it goes on!.Why iam telling u this is if one doesn't have a break in his/her life then when will that person think abt for wat they r living!.one should feel happiness deep inside, passing off in an exam doesn't meen that the student is happy now got the point!.

Thats where failing does helps it just gives u a break off , a break off in wat ever u were doing at that stage!.so it gives u time to correct urself , try to understand how the ppl around u behave after u fail and realise whom u thought once were so dear frnds, r they with u after ur downfall!? like wise many things in life will change and that change is only for a good cause ,coz FAILING IS A BLESS IN DISGUISE for many successfull people around the world and they r really successfull coz they feel their success achieved!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think a failure can be considered a success when a person not only acknowledges and accepts it, but uses what they learned from it to move forward and make something better!. If a lesson isn't learned when it needs to be!.!.!.then a failure is just a failure!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Failure is failure!. Don't misconstrue it as success just to make yourself feel better!. If you give up on a dream because you no longer believe in it, that's not exactly failure, that is just changing paths!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

For me, it is!. Because each failure makes me stronger, teaches me how to avoid specific mistakes, matures me!. This , is a kind of success!. Failure sometimes set me on the go, while success can make me!.!.!.!.lazy!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Why not!? If you succeed at what you believe in, in this case failing, then yes it should be considered a success; Not only in your eyes but the eyes of those who are not arogant as well!Www@QuestionHome@Com

You haven't failed unless you've stopped trying!. If you decide it's not worth it to continue trying, I wouldn't call that failure, just a change of mind!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It wouldn't really be considered failure if that is what one pursues!.!.!.if failure was the goal!.!.!.then by attaining failure, he becomes successful!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Undoubtedly, yes!. If failure was the long-term goal, and you failed, then it would be considered victory!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It depends who looks at it!.
If the person who fails is trying to fail, then in essence they have succeeded in their goal!. Thus they are a success despite their failureWww@QuestionHome@Com

I suppose that would be possible, though I don't know why one would choose to fail rather than simply not making an attempt!. If you don't want to succeed at something, why make any effort toward it at all!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

it's only a success if it works in making you happierWww@QuestionHome@Com