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Position:Home>Philosophy> Where do we find more Elegance: in Animals or in Plants?

Question: Where do we find more Elegance: in Animals or in Plants!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
That depends on which plant or animal you refer to!. Each creature is unique and has beauty of their own!. The soft touch of the morning dew on the leaves is elegant!. So is a butterfly's kiss on petal, the dancing of the flowers, the gail movement of the leaves and the whispering twigs, they are all elegant!.
The graceful swimming of the fish, the omnipotent eagle, the roaring lion, the cunning serpent, all of them moves in such a way that beats my comprehension why animals like them could ever move so swiftly, so highly yet so elegant!.
It's no contest, all are elegant in their own way with their own style!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

in both actually!.!.!. there's elegance in any living or non-living thing, depending on the perspective!. plants can enrich your senses through the beauty of their colors and taste, animals can make you feel more alive!.!.!.
there's elegance even in ugliness if you search for it!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"ELEGANCE" is seen mostly in Plants---even before Human beings! Men/Women can't deserve the word ELEGANCE before PLANTS, AHHHH!!! Plants are really & naturally elegant to look at whereas men/women artificially try to be elegant! Some animals are 'beautiful' no doubt the way some men/women are-----but an unknown plant becomes so elegant naturally----Ahhhh, that we fell in love even!Www@QuestionHome@Com