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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do humans LIVE IN FEAR most of the time?

Question: Do humans LIVE IN FEAR most of the time!?
Fear of God; fear of the Law; fear of pain; fear of dying!.
How can you get rid of these fears!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Fear is one of the most prominent attributes of the sense of self!. It is the part of the self that keeps us from ignoring potential dangers to ourselves!.

Fear exists in any animal which has a sense of self, which usually can be measured by their ability to have a personality, another prominent aspect of the self!.

The most dominate fear for humans, since we know of our mortality, is the fear of death!. This fear combined with the relative lack of intelligence most people's sense of self have, sets people up to be gullible with promises of eternal life in the form of religious dogmas!. There is no verifiable evidence for eternal life and plenty to indicate that it is an absurd idea!. Yet people's selves have evolved to seek to avoid death by any means necessary, including being taken advantage of by vapid promises!.

You really cannot get rid of these fears and you shouldn't as they protect you!. The best you can do is to realize, through education, at an abstract level that the fears have an evolutionary reason for existing, to protect us from stupid acts!. And to realize that the fear of death sets us up to be taken advantage of by nonsense!.

Those Eastern philosophies and Buddhism (which is a philosophical religion) explore ways of "eliminating" the ego or self, but it is momentary at best!.

Artists spend much of their lives finding ways to get around the self as the protective nature of the self acts as a censor of the creative nature of the artist's mind, an unconscious process that operates below the self!. Any good artist has found a work around that works for them but rarely works for anyone else!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sadly, many persons do appear to live with many fears, even with the fear of fear!.

Fear often accompanies desire and attachments!. We desire something or some one ( with the one being seen as an object and not as a person), we form an emotionally, psychological and physical attachment and then we fear that we will lose it, it will be taken away, that others want what we think we have, etc!. This leads to suffering!.

By freeing ones self from such desires and attachments, one can be freed from such fears and the associated suffering!.

When one learns to see reality for what it truly is rather than in the usual subjective manner of viewing practiced either consciously or unconsciously, one will realize the true nature of life and death as one comes to understand who that one really is!.

By first learning that one is alive, by breathing and then by quieting the continuous stream of thoughts in one conscious and unconscious mind which leads to mindful awareness, one can leave fears behind!.

May it be well with you my friend!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

As a whole, human consciousness is currently steeped in fear and separation!. It is important to understand that a belief in separation from Source created fear, and this fear created further separation likened unto a domino effect!. The separation in itself was an illusion!. By becoming whole and complete in yourself do you then only know truth!.
As humanity evolves externally, it must involve itself internally to maintain harmony and balance!. Evolvement without involvement creates an imbalance which manifests itself as further separation!. Abundance and space are dimensions within!. However, humanity in separation perceives them to be outside, and in doing so it becomes territorial, greedy, hungry, violent, aggressive!.!.!.
Inner communication is better understood perhaps as communication without fear, and superficial communication is that with fear!. Speak your fear!. Express your fear!. To exclude fear from expression is further separation!.
Fear only becomes destructive when there is attachment and expectation to it!. Understanding humanity's fear, will assist in understanding the nature of the beast and what motivates it without fearing it!.
Communicating our fears to each others' hearts dissolves them rather than breeding further fear!. Humanity is afraid of fear itself!. Only by embracing it will you become whole again, and this is done via communication!. Heart to heart!.

Those who do not wish to embrace the communication of fear or allow the expression of it to be communicated are in fear themselves!. For in doing so they would then need to take responsibility and action to alleviate such fears and it may not be conducive to their comfortably numb position, perhaps one of power and greed!. This may be a simple example, but nevertheless it is reflective of the human paradigm!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The answer to all these is God!. We live in fear because without Him in our lives, we live without His protection and guidance!. When we 'chose' to follow our own path, we are unaware of all that is before us, good and bad!. We make bad choices, over and over again, in search of that which is with us all along the way!. In a manner of speaking, it like your shadow!. Everyone has one, but no one really pays attention to it!. It is with you everywhere you go, but you rarely acknowledge that it is even there!. It is a part of you, but not clearly visible!. It is only with the sun that it shows at all!. Well God is the light in us, just as the sun is to the day!. He is with us everywhere, 24/7!. He is, as the shadow of our being!. We need only to acknowledge Him and He will wash all our fears away!. Finally, we should fear Him, only for the reason; we are here for a lifetime, but we are with Him for eternity!. What we do here without Him, we will have to answer for when we meet Him at the close of our life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, a lot of humans live in fear most of the time!. There are those who either don't know God, or refuse to except Him!. Those who Fear Don't Pray, and Those who Pray Don't Fear!. It is very wise to Fear God!. If one obey the Law which is the same as obeying God they would have no need to fear the Law!. The are suppose to be out there for our safety!. Even our greatest heroes fear pain "Needle"lol
Fear of dying, we all one day must die!. The biggest fear of dying is we don't know where death is, and will be taken slowly or in a twinkle of an eye!. But Jesus took the "Sting" out of "Death" when he went down to hell and took it away from "Satan"Www@QuestionHome@Com

Fear is a state of mind and emotional in nature!.
God's Law, Man's Law are just there as guideposts!.!.!.the fact that we are given the FREE WILL is to be able help us the fetermine the right and wrong, acceptable or not!

Its a matter of choice!.!.!.if you choose to live in fear!. It certainly would take place, but we always have a choice!.!.!.

just have faith and and FEAR would starve to death!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

fear of god is respect, just like fear of the law!. this kind of fear is healthy!. fear of pain and dying, educate your self on what happends in those conditions and you will get over it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. People fear dying
2!. They fear accidents
3!. They fear failure
4!. They fear people
People fear nearly everything
How do we get rid of these useless fears!?
Realize that when we're dead these fears were uselessWww@QuestionHome@Com

Fear is our best survival mechanism!. Without fear hominids would have died out, or for that matter goldfish would have dies out before we even walked on land!.

Fear is our friend!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Trust Self, trust God, because God is in Self and Self is in God!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Fear clogs; faith liberates!.
-Elbert HubbardWww@QuestionHome@Com

Realize the only time fear is helpful is in life and death situations!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

fear is an unnatural conditionWww@QuestionHome@Com

Its a waste of time and life to live in fearWww@QuestionHome@Com

no matter how tuff u think u r youll always fear!.!.!.fear death ,,,,fear for ur loved ones!.!.!.fear where yoru money goes fear fear fear fear!.ill tell u the answer is only in death my friend!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

do you want to get rid of it!?
the new born cries!
what does the new burn!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

self help books etcWww@QuestionHome@Com

I don'tWww@QuestionHome@Com