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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you think that we live in a HEDONISTIC society?

Question: Do you think that we live in a HEDONISTIC society!?
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Yes!.!.!. The closet provides those that disagree with a safe haven!. However this reminds me of an old quote!.!. "95% of all humans masturbate, the other 5% lie!.

The word Hedonistic has bad connotations because of the guilt associated to it, guilt defined by people that feel guilty about their own hypocrisy in regards to it!. That being said, it's probably one of the most sane aspects of any society because ultimately, hedonism is exactly what people strive for!. Now if we can just accept this and get rid of the "need to suffer in order to feel good!." However that in itself is just another strange form of hedonism!.!.!.!.!.isn't it!? A sort of masochistic form!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree with Vics!.

Morality is objective (sorry for not being the stereotype that proves your case, Vics)

We live in too hedonistic a society!. Its one thing to be a bit indulgent, nothing wrong about that!. But gluttony isnt a word that exists in anyones vocabulary any more!.

People insist on believing morality is subjective, relative!.!.!. they insist on believing its wrong to judge one another!. Even Christians leave judging to God!. We all turn the other cheak and let people do as they please "as long as no one gets hurt"!.!.!. then our society falls apart!.

No one is interested in pursuing or finding objective moral truths!.!.!. that is why ideologies like theism and morality is constantly criticized!. People are afraid of the implications it would have on their lifestyles if it were true!.

Some people dont obey law!. But law itself is created by majority belief of morality!. Basing law on morality, when morality is deemed relative, in a constantly changing society!. Even law isnt enough to keep the peace and protect the innocent, exact justice!. People believing that whats moral is only the obedience to law, when law means nothing!.

Our society is and will fall apart without anything objective to hold on to!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

With out question!. And this will be proven by what most of the answers will most likely say!. Predictions: many of the answers will say that what is right or wrong, moral or immoral,
is relative and not to be judged by anyone!. MTV, Oprah type dribble that do in fact prove the point, or beg the issue!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, we do this from our insatiable quest to be fulfilled!. Until we learn that it 'is' God that we need, we search out others and all that is of the earth, to find fulfillment!. We live, not for our own pleasure, but for what pleases the Lord through His purpose for us!. It is the only way to live in 'peace' and harmony with all other life here!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. we eat too much
2!. we use too much oil, electricity, power, etc!.
3!. we spend too much money on unnecessary pleasures like clothes, toys, more food, electronics, etc!.
4!. we have too much sex/masturbate too much/watch too much pornWww@QuestionHome@Com

No!. We live in a prurient-puritanical society!. Our obsession with sex comes from our obsession with self-denial!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Since most of us are deep in debt due to
buying goods and services we really didn't need,
and couldn't responsibly afford,
YOU BET!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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