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Position:Home>Philosophy> What are yours views on Euthanasia?

Question: What are yours views on Euthanasia!?
Is it morally wrong to let people suffer against their will!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Individuals own their life!. They therefore have the right to end it!.

It is morally wrong for someone to take their own life, because their life is their primary value!. He might come to believe that life is an anti-value, because he is suffering, or diluted!.

In the extreme case where life has lost most of its characteristics, and the individual in question leads a less-than-human version of it, he might find it proven that life has lost (or hinders) enough value, to opt for having no value instead!. Since some value is always more than no value, this still remains morally reprehensible!.

Whether it is up to another person to decide on the matter of your death, brings up another moral consideration!. Life itself is the ultimate moral value, but the disposition of your own life refers to the secondary moral value of autonomy, or freedom!. It is morally reprehensible to attribute to yourself any rights over the disposition of another's life!. This remains a moral value of the highest order!. It is the exercising of this right, as part of the human nature of the individual undergoing euthanasia, that makes it possible to justify the relinquishing of the primary value of his life!.

Depending on the case, and the amount of value lost with a crippled life, ending life for the sake of reaffirming the value of autonomy, is morally justifiable!.

If the state of life is so poor that it doesn't allow for the exercise of freedom of choice, it becomes also morally justifiable to choose euthanasia on behalf of the stricken!.

The only morally reprehensible situations that involve euthanasia would take place, if life still holds enough value to withstand the suffering it brings, in which case, unless mentally ill, the individual should not want his death to begin with; or if a person chooses to dispose of someone else's life, when the life in question can be perfectly disposed of by its owner!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Most people would of course say that it was morally wrong to let people suffer against their will!. Until you give them hard decisions!.

What if someone is young and in a lot of pain!. They say that they want to die!. Do you assist them to die!?

What if they are suffering and they say they want to die, but will fully recover!? What if they have a spouse and children!?

What if they say they want to die, then as you are about to help them die they change their mind, but then the next day they change their mind again, and again!. Do you keep hooking them up to the machine because they might eventually really want to die!?

What about someone that is depressed and wants to kill themselves!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, it is morally wrong to let people suffer!. That doesnt mean they have to be killed, though!. They could be put in artificial comas!. Unless there is a chance of a cure, there is no reason to let someone suffer!. A cure could always be found, and medical science isnt advanced enough to make the determination so soon that someone wont "pull out of it"!. So, euthanasia should be last resort!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Quality of life verses longevity!. Unfortunately the pharmaceutical industry is a billion dollar business and amasses profits from life prolonging, if not enhancing drugs!. This profit can readily be amassed from alternative routed to prosperity!.

My mother became senile and regressed to a little girl!. She became entirely dependent upon my brother who nursed her through, chicken pox, heart attack, massive stroke, MRS, asthma and bronchial influenza post my fathers demise, in the span of four years!!.

Indeed I prayed for her release, my brother relinquished his hold and need for her, and she died!. I miss her terribly but cannot bear witness to a strong independent woman so broken and helpless!. I would not wish to live without the use of any of my faculties, forced to become dependent upon drugs and carers for my upkeep!.

Euthanasia is highly contentious because all are not as noble as my brother!. Evil conspirators engineer the death of the frail, vulnerable and elderly for personal profit or gain!. The noble are maligned into wishing for their own deaths amidst adversaries wishing ardently for their destruction or demise!. I loved my mother and wanted her freedom!. She had enemies who sought her death for anger that they were required to live in the shadow of her formidable reputation and standing!.

It is an act of kindness dangerously exposed to exploitation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Against!. People have come back from comas after they have been declared "brain dead"!. Medical science is not developed enough to where the doctors can be certain that there is no coming back!. there is also the problem of incrementalism!. This is a slippery slope!. If you allow it in this circumstance then what about that one, and so on!.I understand what you mean, it used to be called "mercey killing"!. I am still against-there is always tomorrow and a person's mind might change or some cure might be found!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Lord has a purpose for everyone until "He" calls them home!. As a survivor of suicide for 40 years, I know this!. If it is not your time to go, you are not going anywhere, period!. We are to learn our lessons in life until the moment we take our last breath!. It is, after all, not our life to take!. 'The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away"!. Nobody wants to suffer!. But the greater our suffering, the better we learn, lest we forget!. I have accepted, after 'so' many attempts, I must stay and finish out my course!. But the more I give Him 'of' my life, the more bearable it becomes!. In fact, I now live with joy every morning I awake!. I anticipate each new day with what I can bring to the fold, that will be pleasing unto the Lord!. I have inner peace, that I know will carry me through all the long suffering I will endure, because I know the Lord is with me 'all' the way!. I am not alone, nor have I ever been!. I just refused to acknowledge His presence in my life and His love for me, in the past!. Now all things are different, for He is with me until the end of my days, naturally!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would not let my puppy suffer if death was inevitable, why do I have to let my relative or loved one!? In the dying process, there can be pain that can not be relieved no matter how much you drug them!. But hey, life at all cost right, even if it's unbearable!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

for God's sake let people die the natural way!.!.!.!.LIFE is so precious, we dont have the right to take it away!.

after all, miracle happens, we can never tell!.!.!.God's ways is unfathomable, that no doctor could decipher who's going to die this second!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

what did they ever do to you
they're just living in there country like we are living in ours
wait what!.!.!.!.!.!. or right!.!.!.!. uh huh!.!. yep!.!.!. i see!.!.!.!.!. oh euthinasia not youth-in-asia!.!.!. right ok
well euthinasia i think it is pretty decentWww@QuestionHome@Com

Some UN agencies support anti-drug programs
and seem to support harsh penalties!.

So it all looks suspicious!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe it's VERY wrong & unfair!. Issues like this anger me intensively!Www@QuestionHome@Com