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Position:Home>Philosophy> How many of you so called thinking people' think' that there is not such

Question: How many of you so called thinking people' think' that there is not such thing as right and wrong!.!.!.!?
You know what I mean!. The way that the enlightened one's can make a relativist argument to make all things kind of!.!. 'relative,' because who's to say what's right or wrong!.

note: watch what Kay>y3 writes; I predict it will be a wonderment of the human brain!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Are you being sarcastic!? If you are praising someones answer who hasnt even answered yet then I would be worried that you have already decided to award them best answer!.!.!. which proves that this is an illegitimate question and fraudulence on the system!. This person is either a friend or just you on a different, primary account!.

To answer your question!.!.!. arguments to "everything is subjective" or "everything is relative" is just a cop-out!. Its a passivist, unopinionated!.!.!. "I dont want to go against the social grain" default response!. People that use this argument either havent thought it through or they are just afraid of discovery!. Some people dont want to discover moral truths because it might contradict their existing life-style choices!. Some dont want to argue because they are afraid of appearing judgmental and dont want social scorn!.

I firmly believe that there exists an objective morality!. I wont pretend to know precisely what that is, exactly!.!.!. but it will start with something we can all agree to and build from there with logic and fair argumentation!. I believe that if we try, objectively and unbiasedly, we will find moral truths!. Its what I strive for in life, to figure it all out!.

Anything that truly is subjective in our society are the things that dont matter!.!.!. they arent moralities or immoralities!.!.!. but more like etiquettes or cultural habits!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, the point of right and wrong IS that it's relevant to us!. If it wasn't, what would be the point in calling one thing right and one think wrong!?

It's what is right to us that matters!. If people believe something is wrong, they fight for it!. For example, A governments rule is relevant to a nation and that nation is relevant to the world!. So the government actions matter!. So Hitler's evil is wrong to everyone, because it is relevant to the entire human race!. What human could say they were responsible for the death of millions!? Who could apply themselves to that situation and not feel morally deficient!? As a human, how could you accept that!?

I just took this as an example, it could be anything!. I can see what you mean - people brush aside ethics and morality just because it's not relevant!. But my point is that it IS relevant, simply because we are human!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe that every action has "good" and "bad" consequences and so I can't get all high and mighty that I am "moral" like you can!. Seems I am aware how "pride" in my superior morals breeds disgust in others and turns them against God, which would make me a tool of Satan, if I were like you!.

That being said, I am not a "relativist" or a "secular humanist!." I believe we must act according to our morals because this is what God made us to do!. To do anything else would be impossible because this is how God made us!. As for why I avoid sin, I suggest the Calvinist answer:
"God Forbid!"Www@QuestionHome@Com

How can anyone say what's right and wrong!? Who could judge!? A right for someone will just consequently be wrong in someone else's eyes!.

People would argue that majority vote of what is right and wrong is what decides right and wrong!. But I don't think that's very fair!.
But who's to say what's fair!?

Hard to answer
Good question :PWww@QuestionHome@Com

I am the mother of two, absolutely not a
"thinking person" but more of a
"what was I thinking" person and believe me there IS such a thing as right and wrong and I know what it is!!! Just ask my children!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Why would anyone answer someone who writes "you so called thinking people"!? Even if I think moral relativism taken to solipsistic extremes is logically indefensible! It Sounds like you have unresolved issues like the relativists you seem to dislike!Www@QuestionHome@Com

We all know that there's a personal 'right' and 'wrong'!.
The problem is that there is no general agreement on
what is globally 'RIGHT` and 'WRONG`!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Of course there's right and wrong!. Wrong is when your actions affect someone else in a negative manner!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There certainly is right and wrong!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If it's not in the ten commandments then its alright!.
Have a star!.Www@QuestionHome@Com