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Position:Home>Philosophy> If there was a button before you, and pushing it would end your existence, and w

Question: If there was a button before you, and pushing it would end your existence, and wipe out all traces of it!.!.!.!?
!.!.!.would you be tempted to push it!? Would it make a difference if you knew that when you pushed it, all memories of you would be wiped from the minds of everyone who ever knew you!?

I sometimes wish for such a button!. I would like sometimes to end my existence, but I do not want to hurt those who love me!. So instead, I trudge on, struggling to find happiness - or at least contentment!.

So my answer!? YES, I think more often than not I would be very tempted to push it!. How about you!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I would push it yeah!. But I have been free of major depression for a few years now!. I used to become catatonic!. I am not sure I want to be in a place where my horrible life experiences don't hurt anymore!. That would be alot like your button, only I would still exist!. If everything painful gets erased, I wouldn't want to live on and be around folks!. So I'll stick with my painful memories!.

Someone told me once, you can go on for a long time without hope!. I did, for year after miserable year!. But things are better now, though I still cling to alot of my misery!.

Hang in there, it is possible to have a good life, even while maintaining a bad attitude!. Pleasant Adventure!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've thought of the same question!. When I was at my most depressed, I rationalized it this way:
You will have the chance to be dead for an eternity after you die!. Even if life is hard or you're unhappy, you might as well experience it!. also, things change!. If you find happiness say 5 years from now, you would definitely be glad that you didn't push the button!. So, my answer is no!.

also, realize that happiness or sadness are fundamentally chemical reactions in your brain!. For example, when you exercise or eat, your body releases endoprhins which cause happiness!. I find that my moods are often independent of events, even though it is easy to attribute them to events!.

It's possible that your brain is prone to depression!. For example, low seratonin levels!. You should definitely go visit a psychiatrist--what do you have to lose!? There are drugs that can help your brain function more normally if in fact your brain is prone to depression!.

Best of luck!.

Edit: I also definitely recommend regular exercise!. Trust me, it will definitely help!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sometimes lifes pains can outweigh the joy of life to the point where joy does not even exist!. Either way!.!.!.!.there is no need to end your own life!. Once you're gone!.!.!.you're gone!. There is no hope in dying, no way to right the wrongs, no second chance to live happier!.!.!.!.There's nothing!. So, no!.!.!.I wouldn't push the button! I'd rather see what life has in store for me, not death!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Set your alarm clock for one hour!. Go into a dark room and sit or lie down!. Tell yourself that you will allow yourself to be depressed for one hour!. Try to drift into nonexistence (It's a scary thing)!. When that hour is over you will find a different button, a Happy button and you will push it!. Then, if you can, go out and get around happy people!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. Dying is the day worth living for!. And I'd like to go with a bit of dignity!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

is somebody on some shrooooooooooms!?Www@QuestionHome@Com


before kids and a husband I would haveWww@QuestionHome@Com

eerh - no!Www@QuestionHome@Com