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Position:Home>Philosophy> Can we have total world peace without giving up some freedom?

Question: Can we have total world peace without giving up some freedom!?
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Do you think that anarchy is peaceful!? Do you think anarchy is true freedom!?

There must be laws to regulate the people, to protect their rights, to protect the government which gives the people their rights!.!.!. laws exists to keep peace, to protect the innocent, to exact justice!.

True freedom doesnt exist!. We are either subject to the government or to those who would take advantage of us in its absence!.

True freedom is anarchistic and completely isolated without anyone to fear or dictate!.!.!. but it is nomadic and without a civilization to support us or for us to support!.

Whenever more than one person interact, there are rules and ethics to consider!. When one hurts the other, is guilt sufficient!? What if guilt isnt felt!? The perpetrator must answer to someone, the victim has a right to confront the perpetrator on even grounds and find justice!. Law and government do that for us!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Peace doesn't require freedom, it requires investment in one's government, and most people leave the governing to the bleeding deacons, people who use politics as an escape from their hellish personal lives!.

Politicians trade dealing with these "screaming mimi's" for the chance to have power, money and sex at their disposal!.

The question is how do you get the average joe (or jo-ann,) to see past working a job and watching TV!. Or wasting time on Yahoo Answers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Peace and freedom do exist and its also a illusion at the same time!. I do beleive you can have what you seek though!.!.

**Get a boat, sail out into the open international waters until your out of gas!. Now your free, you can walk anywhere you want in your boat!. You can say what you want in the boat!. You can do anything you want in your boat!.

Now for the downfall///

**You are free to starve out thier; the alternative is to rejoin the populas, and get a job- which means you have to follow orders to get a check to buy food!. But you also have to register with the state to get the job, and get a ID, so you can cash the check(to do this you must prove who you are)!.
**You are free to live on the boat in the open (freezing/baking) weather; the alternative is to follow the above situation, so you can get a residence, which requires more then just money usually- references, Identafication!. Ohh and the rules you must follow about what you can and cannot do inyour new residence!.

SO true freedom is possible, but to get it you must suffer (Profussly); or you can give up 50% of the freedom you seek, and live happy and safe and free!.


freedom is a loaded word!. that's why it is so useful for misleading populations like bush did!.

no, world peace will give up the freedom to invade other countries!. the freedom to collect more wealth due to the cheap labor of others!.

if everybody was completely free that would be anarchy and chaos!.

what matters is WHAT you are free to do or not!. not how much of it you have!.

we could probably, no matter what the society is, create endless lists of both what we are free to do and what we are not!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ABSOLUTELY!!! The moment you decide you no longer need or desire someone else to provide you with your own happiness, total freedom is yours! Once all people on earth come to the same realization, wallah!

You might say!.!.!."I don't need or desire another to provide me with my happiness" I might reply, "If you are unhappy about something someone does, do you desire, want, or need them to change for you to be happy!?" You might say "Of coarse not" and I would reply "You are totally free!." But you say "I am unhappy that there isn't world peace!." I reply, "Is there something you need, want, or desire others to do to correct this!?" You reply, "Yes, I want, desire or need people to get along!" I reply "You are no longer free!."

As long as people believe others must comply to their wishes in order to have peace, freedom, and happiness no one can be totally or even nominally free!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

once there was a scientist!.!.!.
he was working in his laboratory for over 20 years!. he wanted to find a solution to the world's problems!. a formula or something!. he spend all his time in the laboratory and hardly ever came out to see the world!.
one afternoon his 5 year old son came to see him!. he asked: father, why you never go outside!? why do you always spend your days in here, instead of playing something with me!?
the father said: you know, son, the world is in a crisis, everything looks so bad, people are fighting, nature gets polluted, wars everywhere, i want to heal the world, i want to help the world!.
but, daddy, that is exactly what i want to do, can i help you somehow, son said!.
father smiled!. then he said: well, i am not sure if you can help me, but you can go outside now and bring me a world map!.
son went outside and brought a world map!.
father tore it into pieces and gave it back t the son!. so, son!. now go and fix it again!.it will be as hard for you, for you don't know how th world looks like, as for me to find the formula to heal the world outside!.
son went ou, disappointed!.
but after 10 min he came back, map was fixed!.
the father stood with mouth open!.
how did you do this, he asked!.
son said: well, i don't know what the world looks like, but i know what a human being looks like!. on the backside of the map was a human being, and when i fixed it, the world was healed!.!.!.

see, it is really like this!. we have no control over the world's happenings, we cannot control others and make them do what we think is right!. for millions of years people try the impossible to convince others of their "right" way of life!.!.!.!. hopeless!.
we can only take away our sorrows, violence, fear, anger towards ourselves and others!. that is all we can do!. then at least this is not burdening the atmosphere any longer!.

and when you do this, you will see a whole new world!. a healed and beautiful world!.
because now you see the world through your filter of misery and suffering, but once you are healed and aware of your inner bliss and love, then you will see this in every other human being and you will help them to see this as well!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you show yourself peacefully willing to give up freedom,
what makes you think you will be left in peace!?
What makes you think you will be left with anything!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

One worlders would like you to think it's not possible!.But a peaceful world can only be one in which there is great freedom!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


Give up your freedom & you just wind up fighting for your masters freedom instead of your own!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the first response from cogito is one of the most intelligent answers i have seen in these forums in a long time!. props!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you are not a woman if you ask this question!
your intension may meet a bitter surprize!
have fun!Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes if we do not give up freedoms then we will have peace eventuallyWww@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, If it's done right!.Www@QuestionHome@Com