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Position:Home>Philosophy> What's the geometry of your happiness?

Question: What's the geometry of your happiness!?
how does it look like!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It's a diamond because even though it can be reduced to mathematical terms!.!.!.it's also a representation of beauty!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My happiness is a balloon!. Actually, right now its like a popped balloon!.

Simple things that others seem to enjoy mean nothing to me!. I don't enjoy food, because food is just food to me, I don't have a favorite time of day, or a certain activity that I like to do, and most social situations leave me feeling out of place and ignored and empty!.

Bigger things spring up in my mind, but they're really just empty dreams and hopes!. Something always seems to come up that ruins them, or I just loose the energy to sustain them that I had at the beginning!. So they either deflate, or they pop!.

There are those tiny little moments in the day, though, that seem to make it all worth it, even though they only last a minute or two!. You're going to work, and on the trolley ride in you see a mother turn her head to look at her child and give her a kiss, and I have to turn away and try not to think about it or I might loose it and start crying!.

Walking home (50 glorious blocks, mind you) you turn a corner and step onto a bed of pink flower petals, and you suddenly realize why for some women, flower petals strewn about the room is romantic!.

Or on another day, you decide to make that 50-block walk again, even though the sky is absolutely black!. But 15 blocks later you find yourself in a patch of sunshine, and you look back over your shoulder and you see everything aglow in the city behind you, even though the sky is still threatening thundershowers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"The pursuit of happiness is a most ridiculous phrase; if you pursue happiness you'll never find it!." -C!.P Snow!.

I just appreciate what I get!. I don't examine it, I just enjoy it!. To try and explain a joke - makes it cease to be funny!. So I just laugh at it and take the things life throws at me!. Sometimes I'm happy, sometimes I am not!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There's no geometry to happiness!. You can't construct it!. You can't make someone else happy, you can only convince yourself to be happy!.

"Though we travel the world over
to find the beautiful,
we must carry it with us
or we will find it not"
-Ralph Waldo EmersonWww@QuestionHome@Com

a triangle or a pyramid

i am the one on the tip of it, both hands stretched trying to balance the things that i have on both of my hands!. one side are the things that can make me happy and the other side are the negative factors that reminds me that there are actually a price to pay for happinessWww@QuestionHome@Com


it is like this;

the happiness of the downtrodden (which resulted by my efforts) squared plus the happiness of the Opposite (enemies, all types )( which too is my contribution) squared is my happiness squared!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Like a point!. Bindu!!!!! Axiom!. Call it what ever, it is The central part of my very system!.
How is the chemistry of your happiness!?Sky rocketing or neck deep!?!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

My happiness is round!.
Like a ball!. A multicoloured ball, played by a dozen of joyful children on a bright sunny day!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Feng Shui of Geometry!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Mine is an Icosagon!. I am just complicated!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


i prefer it to be a circle with all my dear ones in it!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'll ask Spinoza!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

a sphereWww@QuestionHome@Com