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Position:Home>Philosophy> That which is watching thoughts arise and subside, is it a thought or something

Question: That which is watching thoughts arise and subside, is it a thought or something else!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It is not thoughts, it can not observe itself!. It is Witnessing Awareness, an awareness that does not entangled with the object observed!.

Upanishads gives a fantastic analogy on this : two birds on two branches one above the other of a tree, bird in the lower branch is 'monkeying' around,- eating fruits, jumping and so on!. The other bird above merely watches the lower bird!. ( Perhaps, when the lower bird gets exhausted or fed up or burnt up, it returns to the solace of the upper one! )!. It is the latter, the bird in the upper branch, is the watcher of thoughts ( the lower bird is the equivalent of thoughts )!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That which watches thoughts is the conscious aspect of the
mind and thought and life force(prana) are dynamic aspects of the mind!.The conscious aspect of the mind is "Jnata"(seer),
the witnessing consciousness!.The dynamic aspect of the mind helps in functioning of the being in the phenominal reality!.Thought and life force are interrelated,that is why
thought traffic comes to a standstill in pranayama for the time
being and also when there is stilling of the the mind,there is
cessation of breathing for quite sometime which is called
natural "kumbhaka" during which the witnessing consciousness is established well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The observer!. Which does not exist!. If you look anywhere inside you, there is no observer, be you did notice the thought! It is!. You are more than one, less than all!. So you could be observer, thinker, doer, or being!. All things simultaneously or separated by nano seconds!. We did a test once: Count from 5783 to 5795 at one second intervals without noticing a thought flashing through your head between the numbers!. (And you are thinking Numbers)

The watcher is the real you!. The watched is the noise generator which is the brain!.

If you are really into this, there is a free download exercise which will propel you forward in the quest to discover which is what!.

Caution: spiritual enlightenment may result! And you'll have to give up your pride :-)Www@QuestionHome@Com

It can be a thought!.!.!. but it can also be a presence of awareness!.!.!.

it really depends on the individual, and their state of being!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

God's thought is living and infinite!. Everything is from Infinite!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it is not a thought!. It is the methodology of the brain!. It is our soul's needs that regulate it!. I so think!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That which is watching thoughts arise and subside is the thinker!. So I ask you, are you only a thought!?Www@QuestionHome@Com


It is awareness, but in the form of thought, Still!!!