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Question: Why is it easy to sin!?

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It depends on one's deffinition of sin!. My faith views sin as a completely selfish act that is A!. Against God's wishes and B!. Drives one further away from God!.

God also tests us with selfish acts and it is easy to do this but on the other hand it's hard if one is truely spiritual!.

Take the story of Adam and Eve!. In my view, God was testing the couple to see if they were selfish enough to grab the apple!. And they were, and thus we have what we have today!.

Sin can also be associated with Attachment!. Attachment can lead to things like Jelousy and Hate, inwhich in my opinion is just as bad as sinning and one can be led to this easily without thinking about it!.

For me, it's as easy to sin as it is to eat chocolet!. It's tempting, it's there, it tastes good, but it doesn't do anything good for my body!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The concept of sin is very man made!.
What is considered a sin varies from place to place and even time to time!. When my mother in law was young it was considered to be a sin not to have a fire lit by 6am!. it was also considered a sin to eat meat on a Friday, these two things are no longer considered a sin!.
venial sin is easy to commit as there is always someone who will judge what you are doing to be a sin!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think that whoever (or whatever group of people) named them 'sins' merely grouped together everything that took a person's mind from thinking about god or a church whenever they weren't working to survive!.

It is so easy to sin because most 'sins' are based on behaviors that just come naturally to humans!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Since we know nothing so deeply about holy activities or actions, we commit sin without knowing of that!. As you find so many persons doing sin, so it seems to you that it's EASY to sin! If you (read: everyone) were conscious & would know what was sin, it wouldn't be that much EASY to do sin, as you mentioned!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If it was really really hard to sin, then most people would not!. The point of sin is that it is easy!. Easy for us to cheat, lie and hurt!.

But it is hard for us to NOT sin!. That is the main thing!. We must overcome great obstacles, resist temptation to ingore sin!. That is what makes good special!. Sometimes, the right way is not the easiest route or has nicest scenery!. But people take that path everyday and that journey helps define them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because being good is boring!.!.!.!.

But if you can't behave then be careful (don't get caught)

Personally i don't believe things are a sin!. Yeah, everyone makes mistakes, but mistakes are just that!.!.!. mistakes, errors of judgements!. There is nothing sinful about it!. Sins are a religious invention!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

what is sin!? it is relative!.

killing!? enemy or brother
stealing!? from rich or poor
adultery!? what if in complete secrecy, there would be noone to point out the sin!. except ofcourse God!.
lies!? white lies
intoxicated!? in celeberation

it is the mere pursuit of happiness!. That answers the question!.

But ofcourse, such behaviour leads to chaos in the society!.

"In this world there are good people and the bad people
The only thing we can do is to no allow the evil persons gain too much power"!.


Its easy to sin because theres more sins than deeds!.!.!.!.why u ask!? religion is all lies!.!.!.i mean do people honestly think that a big dad "up there" made this whole thing in 7 days!? i think scientific explanations are much more reasonable to understand!. also i personally think religion is only there written by the "police" back in the days to put people back into line!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

what is sin!? doing something you know to be immoral, or breaking the commandments!?

if you're on about the commandments, then it's because you're doing what comes naturally to us!. If it's the latter, well then you're just badWww@QuestionHome@Com

Read the Screwtape Letters by C!.S!. Lewis!. Because the demon that is tempting you is yelling and screaming at you so you only hear him!. The angel talks at a normal volume, to see if YOU will hear him!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because it makes you feel good!.
The whole thing makes you feel relaxed doing whatever you want!.

God dose whatever he wants so doing whatever we want isnt a sin unless we murder ppl!.

I dunno!. This aint no fact, Just gettin out my opioins!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I dont sin -whatsoever- in the Biblical / Christian sense!.!.!. Ten Commandments and the philosophies handed down to us by Christ!.

I am guilty, however, of only a select few of the Seven Deadly Sins!. Sloth, in particular!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

who said its easy to sin!? i dont know about you but i have a conscience, and i feel bad when i did something i know was wrong!. things only get easy if you keep doing itWww@QuestionHome@Com

Philosophy section!? I believe fairy tales about angels, heaven, hell, devils, God and concepts such as sin be dealt with in the "Society and Culture" section!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because that is the reason for our existance!. To prove our faithfulnes to the almighty of whatever faith you believe by not falling to temptation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

sin is short term pleasure which we get immediately!.
we all love the fruits which we get immediately (instant)
we dont have patience for the eternal pleasure
i think god is very slowWww@QuestionHome@Com

'cuz you get pleasure!? I mean most of the times we make mistakes and feel that it was right!
after thinking of what happened and what we did we feel guiltyWww@QuestionHome@Com

Because forgiveness is just as easy!?!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it takes no effort!. usually it pleases the flesh!. so many people just like pleasure and after their sins they will listen to ur advice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

bez its easy to do things which require less energy!Www@QuestionHome@Com

By doing sinful acts we get pleasure!.Www@QuestionHome@Com