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Position:Home>Philosophy> Are you a very INTUITIVE or INSIGHTFUL person * ?

Question: Are you a very INTUITIVE or INSIGHTFUL person * !?
I need some advice!. Philosophically speaking!. I just found out
that my friend, who is a woman is in an abusive relationship!.
She and I had a long distance relationship for about a year!.
Although we never met, we planned to in the fall!. But unfortunately, she met someone new!. But she told me that she
still loves me and wants me to be her friend!. This woman is
impressionable, insecure, and vulnerable, too!. I know that
this man is taking advantage of her, because he is feeding
off of her weakness!. Word came back to me, that he is
indeed the abusive type!. Now she regrets it, and is starting to
realize what she has gotten into!. How long do you think this
bad relationship will last !? They have been together for 30
days, and she is depressed about it !? Answer here!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
as much as you care about her, it isn't your business unless she is in danger and therefore you can call the police if you feel it is appropriate!.

otherwise, this is something she needs to get through by herself!. She needs to give HERSELF the strength to get out of the mess she herself created!. You can do nothing at this point except let go!. You will never be able to control her actions!. Only she can control her behavior!. Allow yourself not to worry because that is not good for your own health!. Take care of yourself and make sure YOU are OK!. Don't worry how other people handle there life!. It is there path after all!. And you need to focus on moving forward and embracing your own path!.

hope that helpsWww@QuestionHome@Com

it will last until she gets the guts to end it!. which may be never!. deep inside, she might like having it both ways!. she can feel sorry for herself and keep your attention by telling you all these things!. it really sounds to me that, whether she is aware of it or not, she is manipulating you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If she does not get consoling I am willing to bet it will last a for awhile!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It doesn't sound like you entered this for a friendship, so I suspect you are not the best person to help her right now!.

I had a very good friend who tended to get into what she described as abusive relationships!. When I knew her a few years, she got involved with a raging alcoholic, even though she always complained that her sister was an abusive alcoholic!. (I always found he sister quite pleasant and helpful to her!.) Well she moved in with this guy, rent free and I SAW her abusing him!. Then she got a restraining order on HIM and moved into a shelter to escape him!. When she ran out of money and supports she went back to abuse him some more!.

Just because she says there is abuse, does not mean it is so!. Let her resolve her problems and keep yourself clear and sane!. Let the professionals sort her out!. Steer her to a program if you must get involved at all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com