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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do humans really know the truth in anything?

Question: Do humans really know the truth in anything!?
When you take into account everything that we all claim to have done to shown our advances and knowledge with mastery of subjects, do you feel that we have truely found out anything or do we live a life that is seeking knowledge but not actually wanting to find the truth to it!? In short with all the advances, what do we really know now that the ancient people did not!?
also, Do you feel that with everything we know is there a limit to what we can really understand, although we may know everything the amount we understand is lost from us, like having the basics on one side of a glass but on the other side of frost like glass or veiled glass the truth is really there waiting for us to find it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
our "advancements" seem very grand indeed!. but i think they are not great!. there are things we still don't know and may never know!. we don't even know what's in our own oceans! i think humans spend a lot of time wondering about things but on the whole, not a lot of time solving!. only a handfull of people (scientists) try to solve the big mysteries!. people want to believe whatever makes them comfortable and whatever fits into their version of reality!. i don't think there is a limit to human learning, we only use a small percentage of our brains for active thinking!. the truth is!.!. we will never know the whole story!. but it gives us something to do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well really truth is flexable!. Truth can be told in different ways!. We will never know exactly how the dinosaurs lived or how the world came into existance!. We do our best to learn these things and understand, it's human nature, and we will always be seeking knowledge in all the places possible!. We will create technology and advance in studies to learn these things!. Although it may seem impossible, but truth will always be there waiting to be found!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nothing is sure and scientists give there best shot but nothing is the truthWww@QuestionHome@Com

it sort of depends on what you mean by truth!. Absolute truth!? something that is indisputably true for everyone!. Then no

But truth is relative, and I believe there are many truths!. Even when two points of view diverge from each other on important points, they can both be true because each is true in the eyes and minds and hearts of those who hold those truths as such!.

You ask:
Do we know now what the ancient people did not!? and what is the difference between truth and knowledge!?

Clearly we have more knowledge of science and there has been more history, so we know more about where our species has been!. This isn't the same as truth!. The ancients had their own truths based on their "then and now " experiences!.

I think that there is a limit to the amount of knowledge our brains can hold, but I believe the scientists have found that most humans don't begin to "use up" their capacity for thought and cerebral growth!.

And last, I do think there is a limit to what we CAN understand, simply because I think it would be most presumptuous of us to think that we have the capacity to know and understand all the unknown information in the universe!.

interesting question

Lady MorganaWww@QuestionHome@Com