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Position:Home>Philosophy> My organization is responsible for safety-critical software. Is it such a good i

Question: My organization is responsible for safety-critical software!. Is it such a good idea for us to be recruiting!?
suffering from "stockholm syndrome" !? For example wouldn't homosexuality be caused by extreme "initiation ceremonies"
that caused critical incident stress disorder and stockholm syndrome!. We might sympathise very much with those suffering from stockholm syndrome but why would we want to recruit people virtually irrespective of merit in order to achieve a desired "quota"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Wow, your main question and your additional comments have no relationship to each other!.

Homosexuality is not "caused" by Stockholm Syndrome!.

Recruiting and initiation are two different things!.

Homosexuality has no relationship to job-capability in anything except maybe straight porn star!.

If your company is recruiting to merely fill a "quota" I would get the hell outta there man!.Www@QuestionHome@Com