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Position:Home>Philosophy> What percentage of our THOUGHTS are our OWN?

Question: What percentage of our THOUGHTS are our OWN!?
i recon ive got nothing original to offer this worldWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Every thought you have is your own, because you are having them!. No one can have them for you!.

Ideas, however, belong to no-one!. Ideas are descriptions, relational data, that exist only in the conceptual model being comprehended!.

Believing that by having stated or worked out an idea, a person owns this idea, will leave the 6 billion strong lot of us, searching for scraps or thieving about 24/7!. Ideas are not property, but an expressive mental medium for an observation of perceived reality!. Or, rather, they're not a thing, but something that can be said about a thing!. An observation, or a rationalization of an observation!.

Ideas can be held as true or false by an individual, who in turn considers this opinion his!. Rather than really being "his", however, all he is doing is aligning himself with a certain conceptual model, available to all human reason, and speaking of this alignment as a product of his will, which it is!.

The purpose of reasoning things out and coming up with ideas is to end up with a consistent conceptual model of the world as it is!. People should not compete for, or defend ideas on any other basis, which tends to happen the second an idea gets "appropriated"!. If the idea fits the world, accept it, if it doesn't discard it!. They are not meant to be held by authorship, but by validity!.

Be happy knowing nobody owns any idea, and as to never-before-heard ideas, try looking into the complexities of most modern conceptual models, which have many inconsistencies yet to be resolved, and imagine a different approach!. Whatever you come up with, though, won't really be yours!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well we are humans and we can be influence by other people's ideas and opinions!. But most of the time the opinions and ideas our minds unconsciously adapt are slightly altered by our minds making it our own ideas!.
So I have to say that even though our minds can be inluence by other ideas and opinions, our thoughts are our own and that is something that won't change!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Searching through everything we call us, for that kernel which we can identify as the real us, we find that there's nothing there except awareness, which isn't really us at all either!.

There is a Hindu story about how the Creator broke himself up into gazillions of parts, "forgot" that he did so, just so he could have the fun of sneaking up behind himself to surprise himself!.

We are pipes not cups!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

if all thoughts were not our own then we would be living in a life of repitition and dullness, all great inventors obviously had thoughts of their own or else they wouldn't have acheived what they have!.

don't be so hard on yourself!.!.!.just because your no great idealist it doesn't mean you have nothing original to offer this world!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hmm!. Probably very little or none!. But I'm not disturbed by this!. Or even surprised!. I think it human nature that we think the same!. I think it's how you interpret or adapt things to your life that is original!.

Some people are genuinely original!. But they are often genius/freaks have you noticed!?!? I think you need to be a bit supra-human to be really original!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

dear it is to inform you that mind is divided into three parts that is consious, sunconsious an unconsious the thought you are asking abt was the thought you have in your unconsious but u cant diffrenciate the thought of consious and the thought of the unconsious!.the third part of your mind creat such thoughts the are not belongs to the thought u have and u know try to learn abt it its not difficult boyWww@QuestionHome@Com

What you think is what you are!. I dont think you should condemn yourself!. You are special n have alot to give to this world!. Be proud of yourself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

so your not creative what you should do is make what's out there better!.Www@QuestionHome@Com