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Position:Home>Philosophy> I always get past the initial levels of any problems, project, life etc. But the

Question: I always get past the initial levels of any problems, project, life etc!. But then get stuck and fail later!?WHY
I excel in the beginning but then struggle when things get really tough and the final push for success is needed!. May be, its all in the mind or may be I am good at nothing and lack specialist knowledge in all fields inculding work, sports, life!. I fail at everythingWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Think of life like a video game!. As you go up in level the game gets harder and it takes longer to get to the next step!. Sometimes you lose a level and have to start the level over and try again!. You only fail if you give up!. If a person writes a book and sends it to publishers and gets 20 rejections, they are not a failure, not until they decide to stop sending their book to publishers and give up!. also note that being the best at something doesn't make one a failure!. If you are mediocre at something but enjoy it, that isn't failure!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Doing what we desire has consequences!. Until you learn how this works, you will continue to struggle!.

In each case where things started well (you were doing what you wanted), you also set in motion a series of events that included things that you didn't -- the stuckness and the failing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com