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Position:Home>Philosophy> Without love there is no hate.?

Question: Without love there is no hate!.!?
True or False!? Why or why not!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
without attachment/ possessiveness mistaken for "love", there is no hate!.
when you are attached to the other and think he is responsible to make you happy, to fulfill you, then you depend on him/ her!. both your happiness and sadness depends on him/ her and you hate him/her for being dependent on him/ her!. everyone has a part inside that wants to be free, and once we bind ouseles through attachment, hate comes up!. attachment makes expectation!. you have certain ideas, you give the responsability for your joy and happiness to the other, and when this is not fulfilled, hate arises!.
what is called "love" here, is attachment or attraction!. then hate is the opposite!.

but love, as the quality of your being, which is in you, which might be awakened through the other, but which is your quality of being, otherwise you could not feel it, is beyond the love and hate game!. love doesn't expect, does not demand, does not force etc!. love, when real love is there, there is fulfillment!. once you find the love inside, you can access is permanently and then you share it!. then both can share the love, instead of begging for love from the other!. when both are begging for love, it means both have a lack of love, then how can love be there!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Would you agree that without water there would still be things that were dry!?

Would you agree that without the color white there would still be the color black!?

Would you agree that without cold something could still be hot!?

It seems that, at least if you agree with the above, that so far some contraries are not dependent upon their opposites!. Inductively, then, it is probably the case that there can be hate even if there were not love!.

But, then again, I've been reading a lot of Plato recently and may need a little Aristotelian correcting!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it could be true and it could be false!. it all depends if you consider love and hate to be the EXACT opposites of each other!.

if they aren't the exact opposites, then one can exist without the other!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hate is generated by fear!.
Without fear, there is only distaste!.
Love may be part of the chain, but not necessarily!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Perhaps!. Hate is triggered by love sometimes!.!.!.and if you think about it, if nobody loved, would they be able to give off the strong feeling known as hate!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't agree!. Love is the nature of the Universe!. Hate is only a false idea in our minds!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I hate alot of people I never loved!.
Do you think Hitler loved all the Jews he killed!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

If there was no love, then we wouldn't really know what hate isWww@QuestionHome@Com
