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Position:Home>Philosophy> Where did evil came from?

Question: Where did evil came from!?
God is good and everything He created was good!. Of course, that means He did not create evil, where then, did evil came from!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Evil !. came from Sin and Jeaously, Satan brought sin into this world, He looked down from Heaven, Oh Prince of the morning ,and saw how man was worshipping the lord, and he became angry, and jealous of God, and ever since, he has been causing confussions among God people, he is a deceiver, a liar, a killer, and a thief, and a destroyer, And no God is good, and nothing that is Evil cannot come near the Lord, God says it in His Words, I A'm A Holy-God ,, So the Lord kick him out of Heaven,Right down to the earth , because he wanted to take over God's Domain , and it did not work for him , so Old Lucifer , is out there, round, and about trying to see whom he will devour!.!. So the Lord tell us to be aware of his evil- Devices, and to Put on God's Protected -Shield,,,,, Since we are not Fighting, human beings like our selves, --but Spiritual Wickedness, in High-Place, Satan, and All of his demons!., So we put on the Armor of God, and Fight, this Spiritual, War-fare,,,,, Peace to All, God bless!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

evilness in this world comes from the devil!. he whispers in our ears and tells us to do the bad and inconsiderate things us humans do!.

we believe, as Muslims, that god created Iblis (the devil)!. when he created Adam he told the people of heaven to bow down to Adam!. Iblis refused saying that Adam is made out of clay and I'm made out of fire why should i bow to him!. from this point on Iblis became the most evil thing alive!. and the shayatan (other devils) are the ones that whisper to us to execute these evil acts!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Like the girl said eve ate the apple!. IT exposed that she was naked and adam was naked they begain to cover up though no other of gods creatures does this!. Like the other girl said it may have been in his plan he could have been bored with the everyday happiness did an experiment and walla we have technology and other things people consider to be evil!. Though the only evil i know is how bad people can treat one another!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

evil is NOT the opposite of good!.

evil is the opposite of life!.

the opposite of good is bad, not evil!.

evil is the lack of life!.
somethings are obviously evil: murder, rape, malice
but actually evil is anything opposite of life!. It just happens that bad things are usually evil!.

>>> But good things can be evil too!. <<<

that off hand compliment made by somebody, that makes you feel dead!.

White lies, that procrastinate inevitable fights!.

that easy going "nice" person who is friendly but unreliable and causes chaos and stress and even anger wherever they go!.!.!.!.

If life takes on a myserious form <<< some label this living force as God

so evil is the lack of life, the absense of God
evil is not like a disease that originated and spreads!.!.!.!.
rather it is the stuff that fills the void, when something moves away from life!.

so evil exists to prevent life!.
The most beautiful thing in man is free will and choice!.

Evil exists so that we HAVE the OPTION to reject death and CHOOSE life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Evil comes from within in my opinion!. I think we all have choices (regardless of what religious beliefs we subscribe to) to do good or evil!.
Maybe you should read about Adam Eve and the apple in the garden of Eden if you want the christian view of where Evil came from!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe that before we came to the earth, we were all created spiritually in heaven!., known as the pre-existence!.
In the pre-existence, there was a council held to decide a plan for each of us to come to the earth, so that we could receive our bodies, and so that we could be tested to see whether we will choose to do good or evil (free agency)!. At this council, two diverse plans were proposed!. One, by Jehovah (Jesus Christ), the other by Lucifer (Satan)!. Jehovah's plan was to come to the earth and choose for ourselves between good and evil, and He would sacrifice Himself for those who did evil, but then repented, and no longer continued to do evil!. Lucifer's plan was to force us to be perfect!. When Jehovah's plan was accepted, Lucifer was angry, and rebelled against God, and was cast out from heaven, and became Satan, and took with him 1/3 of the hosts of heaven, who followed him!. As a result, Satan, and those spirits that followed him, were denied the privilege of coming to earth, and receiving a body!. I believe Satan and his followers are constantly trying to tempt us to commit evil so that we might be miserable, like themselves!.


You cannot have good without evil, what would the definition of good be if there was no evil, what would "good" be based on without evil, it's a balance in the universe like the yin and the yang and all that mumbo jumboWww@QuestionHome@Com

If you say the Garden of Eden then you are correct!.

But if you say that all the untold suffering of mankind is a result of a bad choices, then you are very wrongWww@QuestionHome@Com

Good question!!!!!!!!

I believe God created "everything"

everything means "everything"

even evilWww@QuestionHome@Com

We created evil because we can not be God!.!.!.!.!. we can neither fulfill all our desires nor can we get over them permanently!.!.!. this double-edged weakness in us gives birth to evil!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

keep in mind God even created Satan,knowing full well that Satan would rebel(sin/evil)!.!.ala the slippery slope!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

God did create good and all things good have the choice to be evil!. It depends what route is taken!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If I'm not mistaken and just off the top of my head, I believe that it happened when Eve bit the apple from the Tree of Knowledge!.!.!.!. I could be wrong ; )~Www@QuestionHome@Com

within, learning the difference between right and wrong, then choosing unwiselyWww@QuestionHome@Com

hell dudeWww@QuestionHome@Com