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Question: Are you free!?
and what is freedom in your opinion!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I don't know but I am looking for freedom: I think that freedom is the power to be yourself whatever you do, whoever you meet, wherever you are!.
Freedom is also the aptitude to detach yourself from material matters and too strong passions: reason leading me make me freeWww@QuestionHome@Com

It is the capacity to be and to become more fully ourselves, both as individuals and as members of society!. But freedom is never absolute, nor is it license!. One's freedom to do something is always qualified by another's freedom to be protected from injury!. Thus, the asserted freedom to smoke is limited by others' freedom from dangers to their health!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

None of us are free!. This society is awful for so many people, while others care very little, or nothing at all, about the hardships that our governments are causing countless millions around the globe!. We are forced to go to school to learn about how wonderful this society is and how great it is to be rich, while far better alternatives are ridiculed endlessly!. We are forced to go to work, so we can afford to live in our own little brick and mortar cell, either that or live in relative poverty!. We are forced to retire at an age when many people feel they could go on for at least another decade!. In retirement, we are made to feel a burden upon the rest of society!. Most people actually in work have barely enough to get by on!. We are forced, more or less, to admire insignificant people who kick balls, hold a bat, sing or act and in no way benefit anybody other than themselves, usually!. We are lied to, about everything, by the mass media!. How can anybody call this awful society freedom!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Freedom is a universal value for life in the mind, but freedom is gained after great deals of efforts and sacrifices, then it becomes a matter of responsibility for the free!. It is the responsibility of the free to maintain their freedom with efforts even more, to uphold its principles as values paramount in the society of the free!.

Then freedom is the most fundamental of all human rights!. We all have our own sense of freedom as well as our sense what freedom is, and in a sense both are one and the same!. We all are free and also captive of the responsibilities of our individual and collective lives!. Now, how much are we restrained, and how much are we free, within a certain sense of freedom is subjected to our level of understanding and awareness in life, as the concept of freedom!. We all may share same degree of freedom in lie but we all appreciate freedom differently!.

In order to sum up what I said before I say that freedom is acquired and maintained through the occupation of strength of will and ability in action, and for the purpose to exist in the world with free determination, and is appreciated this way, its is measured by the sense of responsibility that the free people have in their mind, responsibility to defend and to maintain freedom!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Freedom and being free has been a long standing philosophical question!. In essence, freedom is based on the presumption that we can choose to do or not do something!. There are factors or circumstances which could impede the decision, but for the most part we are able to make choices of our own accord and judgment!. The whole balance of law is based upon this premise!. In a way, I think we know we are free because we can ask ourselves the question!. Freedom entails a degree of knowledge of being able to understand the nature of freedom, the ability to choose, and the ability to question our actions!. As such, we have some form of understanding of a standard by which we can mark whether we are free and are acting freely!.

As for freedom in my opinion, it is to act according to our nature!. The beauty of the human condition is that we recognize our greatness and our faults and compare them to other species of living things surrounding us!. Hence, we know we should act better than other animals, though often we don't!. So the individual who tried to be honest, upright, caring, etc!. because we know we should is a person who is truely using their freedom!. Hope that wasn't too existential!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

freedom to exist needs bondage!. freedom and bondage are like 2 sides of a door!. they are the same, a mental concept!. once you remove the door, the concept of freedom and bondage, then true freedom, beyond the dual freedom- bondage concept happens!.
this freedom beyond duality can even be felt while being imprisoned, while sitting in jail!. it is an inner quality, not dependant on outer circumstances!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


Everything on the planet follows rules, gravity, the digestive system, the tides!.

Why should humans be an exception to this rule!?
We believe we are free to raise our arm, or drink alcohol!.
But what if, like everything else, we are only following physical rules that must be obeyed!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

i believe i am semi-free
if that makes sense :P
i can let go of my troubles and escape into my headphones but i also know when to come back dowto reality

and in my opinion freedom is being able to do something you wouldn't usually be able to do
eg when yu grow up you are allowed out later than when you were younger


no, im not free yet!. still under the scrutiny of parents and such!. freedom is when i am entrusted the responsibility and trust to do whatever i think is right for me and be prepared for any consequences that follow!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i feel free to an extent!.
England is being trodden down by labour[brown]
i have a growing feeling of sadness and resent even loneliness!. yes I'm free , but unhappy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am not!.!.!.i have responsibilities, tasks, duties, obligations!.!.!.

no-one is really free!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

True freedom involves no stress or problems!.!.!. Which, to be honest, sounds pretty dull!.

I guess I agree with Adam W: when I'm dead and my soul leaves my body I am free!.!.!. until I come across a new and empty body!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nobody is ever really free,we all have responsabilities,either to ourselves,our family,or society!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no freedom is when i can do anything at all as long as it harms nobody mentally or physically but myself!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, because I've just graduated and haven't started college!.

This is the ultimate freedom!.


Freedom is having a lack of ties, responsibility and pressure!.

I'll feel free when I leave school and the issues regarding my love life at present disappear!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The only time i will be free from this hell hole is when im dead!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Is when I get lost of this very inhibiting world of mine!.!.and go tumblin' all around!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Im FreeWww@QuestionHome@Com

we'll never be free!.

i'll be free when i'm dead!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

to be able to do what you want to do in lifeWww@QuestionHome@Com

I have a child so I will never be free!.I don't mind though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

not a single person on this planet is free!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no I cost £200 per dayWww@QuestionHome@Com

Yes I am free! Because Jesus died on the cross to save me!. Freedom is to say that I am of Jesus!. He will seek me and drive me to my place is beside him!.Www@QuestionHome@Com