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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is the purpose of being on earth?

Question: What is the purpose of being on earth!?
This is a question I have to answer for english class!. Truthfully, I don't know what my purpse is!. I think that the rest of my life I will have to search for it!.

What are your opinions and beliefs of the subject of "purpose" for man!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The purpose of life!? or of being on Earth!?

Life would suck if you were just floating aimlessly through empty space!.

The purpose of life is to discover the purpose of life!.


Doug!.!.!. in a truly random universe all things must happen/exist!?

Then you have to concede that purpose and possibly even a deity must exist!.!.!. its a natural consequence of random, order-less chance!.

If they dont exist then there is some structure!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you have time, read some Neale Donal Walsch or Jack Canfield books!.

Otherwise, the answer to the purpose of being on earth is already in your question!.

BEING - You are here to be the greatest version of the grandest vision of you that you can become!.

You don't search for it as if it is something you need to find!.

You live it, every moment, every nanosecond, you just are!. You just be!. So don't participate in a memory of yesterday or a hope for tomorrow, BE present in NOW 100% and your purpose is fulfilling itself as you are called on at every moment to BE true to your innermost self!. Now that is a purpose, don't you think!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hi Gwarshness, this is such an interesting question in so many ways!. Purpose is a funny word to use in this case!. It suggests a great plan!. I believe that our purpose is not much different than the propose of any other organism on this planet!. To survive, to expand our population there by increasing our chances of survival!. I know man has huge development and invention but who stands looking at these great achievements!? Just man I'm afraid, other species are not aware or recognize and of these achievements!. So I submit Survival!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe the purpose for being on "earth" is to learn all the necessary lessons in our human form so we can advance one day to a higher spiritual plane!.
But with the way the question is worded, you could answer this in a variety of ways!. One as simply as human life is not compatible on any other planets thus far!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You proceed from a very questionable assumption!.

Before you start asking 'what is our purpose', you would be wise to first convince me that there is a logical need for us to -have- a purpose!. Any other predicate is flawed due to the inescapable theological bias it engenders!. (And in 62 years, no one has been able to convince me otherwise ?)!.

And remember that, in a system that is truly random and infinite, all things are not only possible, they -must- exist!. If they don't, it implies some sort of 'structure' or 'order' which the fabric of reality simply does not have!.


we are here to learn!.!.!.simply!.!.to overcome whatever is standing in our way spiritually!.!.!.to learn tolerance!.!.love!.!.!.patience!.!.!.and all that good stuff!.!.!.don't want to get religious!.!.!.but there is only one who sent us here!.!.(school)!.!.!.and only WE ourselves agreed to come in the first place!.!.!.our task is to do our best and we will reach the level we are lacking in!.!.!.spiritually!.!.!.and our time on this earth will end as soon as we have achieved what we need to achieve!.!.and learn what we need to learn!.!.!.God will not make you stay here any longer than is neccessary!. Why am I still here!?!?!?!.!.!.apparently!.!.I have not done my homework!.!.like a good little girl!.!.haha!. but each day!.!.!.I try to learn something new!.!.from all experiences!.!.good and bad!.!.I'm getting there!.!.and so are you!.!.!.and so is everyone else!.!.!.just gotta stay focused on that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

consume, and then mate so your offspring can consume and then mate, and so on, and so, and so on!.!.!.until a comet or meteorite hits us and then all gone!. Pretty much the history of all life on earth for last billion years or so!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

dont you know the purpose!?
is your intension to detect the people who know the purpose!?
among those people there might be some who could warn you!
but it is to late honey!
you are caught!
guess why i am telling this to you!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

"we are put on this earth with absolutely nothing!.!. our purpose in life is to make something out of nothing"

i read this in a comic of which i cannot remember the name!.!. but i thought what it said was pretty cool!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I just answered this!. Existence is the purpose!. I am!. You are It is!. That is all!. simple!. The movement that promotes this idea is called Est!. I do not know if Est ests any longer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

To see how we can survive and how we act!.Www@QuestionHome@Com