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Position:Home>Philosophy> Should we make them "martyrs" if that is what they want?

Question: Should we make them "martyrs" if that is what they want!?
"If I'm killed, I will be killed for the sake of God," said Ramzi bin al-Shibh, who is accused of helping coordinate the attacks!. "I've been seeking to be a martyr for years!."

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who claims to be the mastermind behind the attacks, said he wished to dismiss his lawyers and plead guilty!.

I'm thinking the comic response to this is to put them up in the finest hotels, treat them like "heros" and royalty and really make them suffer! Confine them but treat them so they are assured extreme comfort!. That will show them! The next terrorist who hopes to "die for his God" will show a little more caution as he may not suffer or die in his attempt but forced to live in extreme pleasure!.!.!.treated with virgins here and now and denied heavenly reward!. Torture them with pleasure!.!.!.it will be sure to discomfort them royally!.

Sounds foolish but why should we give them what they want!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
hi luckycup
!.!.!. mmmm!.!.!. Ramsy Been allSheeba represents a fine religions glaring flaw!.!.!. his god is as prejudiced as he is!.!.!.!.

Where he is at this moment is where he should be!.!.!. inside a box looking out!.!.!. instead of out here!.

Unfortunately!.!.!. the media and the press are still a medium he uses as a weapon!.

Personally, it seems offensive to me to still be hearing from that parasite!.
We have spent millions, if not billions of tax dollars to quell his ilk, and he STILL manages to spread his feces accost this country!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not so foolish, just impractical!. In the alternative, one should not provide a forum for such an individual to express him/herself!. Instead, place them in a secure location from whence they will never be heard from again!. Close the doors!. Forever!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Life in a women's prison!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The danger is that by doing what you suggest they may see it as a self-fulfilling prophecy!.

What we have to bear in mind is the people that envisage or perpetrate atrocities towards their own kind, regardless of religious or political belief, are essentially extremists with no regard for their own life let alone anyone Else's!.

Please also remember that mainstream Muslims condemn the actions of these fanatics!.

Martyrdom through aggression serves no purpose to humanity it is the dis-functional, egotistical belief that the taking of innocent human life is condoned and rewarded in the name of religious faith!.

Unfortunately, it is too late for most of these 'martyrs' to realise the truth!.

So sad and so needless!.


Debate on the subject is healthy, but let's not preciptate through passive aggression!.

Let us umderstand that these people are a dangerous minority and just another challenge to overcome in thought and deed!.

The solution, possibly, would be for them to congregate and create their own oblivion thus pleasing them and the rest of us!.Www@QuestionHome@Com