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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is all life like this? Are the things we want most to know the things we cannot

Question: Is all life like this!? Are the things we want most to know the things we cannot ever see!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
To your first -- No!. To your second, No!.!.!. And be careful of this thing!., "ever!." I mean little quite hammers the nail in the coffin as an assertion which conceiving includes the word "ever!." We can suppose an apt and safe question hereto might be: How might we know some one thing most, beyond all others, which by our lacking to perceive it, its existence we could have seen in the first place!?

Well, we 'can' interestingly enough, but we just ruined the possibility of its manifesting -- because we invoked the word "ever!." We have invoked a call that requires of a response!. We have donated a limited compass to that which otherwise has no limit!. To wit: if there is an "ever," just know that there is a "never" proceeding forth fast on its heels, a cancellation!. We will have come inadvertently to know this one action or result first before we could even get down to what we had come into the room to do in the first place -- to know the things 'thought' somewhat we cannot "ever" have seen!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

To me, life is about living every second of my life to the fullest!. Making sure I never dissapoint my loved ones!. Making sure I leave a lasting impression when I die!.

To answer your question:

The world is a teeming mishmash of cultures with a bewildering array of values and ideologies engaged in their own version of the good life!. People are generally not interested in changing the metaphors through which they view the world, so real understanding between groups with conflicting viewpoints is not achievable in the short term!. The good news is, that's OK, because the world isn't supposed to be saved on a global scale!. It must be saved at the level of the individual!. And despite the fact that the level of the individual appears to be statistically insignificant, it is in fact the most significant, because it is only at the level of the individual that a creative synthesis of conflicting metaphors can occur!. Once a connection is made at the individual level, the process of spreading successful new metaphors throughout society is essential automatic if the society is ready for them!. If the society is not ready, the new metaphors will not be accepted under any circumstances!. So don't beat you head on a rock!. Solve your own interpersonal communication problems!. If the world is ready to benefit from your solutions, you will not be able to stop it from using them!.

Your questions always make me think really hard!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Life is beautiful if we know how to play our role in this 'ugly world'!. Be a good actor/actress who don't wear mask - be yourself, know who you are - admit your short coming but don't pay attention to it!. Most of us don't do that and every one wear a mask - so no one knows who he/she is!. That's why our world is ugly, but in fact all is beautiful!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No life is changeable for us by evrything to make things new and old , big ,small ,rich and cheap!.
And change of the day it's very important to bevery good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, these are called Conspiracy Theories especially from Governments and usually nothing is good will be out from them!Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you want something badly enough you will find a way to make it happen!.

Hard work and determination will pay off!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


what do you want to know!?Www@QuestionHome@Com