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Position:Home>Philosophy> If you believe in GOD. . . .what are your thoughts?

Question: If you believe in GOD!. !. !. !.what are your thoughts!?
I'd ask this in the R&S section but I don't feel like being mocked and snapped at!. So I'll come here!. !. !.

What do think GOD is!? do you think he's an authority figure!. He actually has rules he wants followed!? Or just a spiritual-esscence!?


If you don't believe in God please save the mockery!. !. !. !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You are most welcome here! :) Screw the R&S section!. Philosophy section is the best!. lol!.

I think God is beyond our human comprehension!. If you like you can believe what your heart tells you what god is!. No one could really validate God for you!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

God is a devine being, he is beyond understanding, so you asked "What is God" the answer is "God is a daeity that is beyond understanding"!. The rules you refer to are called the 10 Commandments and can be found in Exadus 20!. "Spiritual esscence", this statement really does take the personal relationship and make it seem trivial!. As some people aren't aware of the prescence of devinity in their lives they try to make sence of life and fail!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

God is the ultimate being!. He is perfect!. We can never ever learn to comprehend who He really is but every good came from Him because everything He created was good!. He is One God in three Divine persons, the Father (creator), the Son (Saviour) and the Holy Spirit (comforter!.) God really is spriritual in His essence!. Yes, hHe has rules for us to follow so that we may be consistent with Him, in His character that we may be Holy as He is Holy!.

God bless!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have to believe there is a higher power!.!.!.i just look at the sky, our bodies and how intricate we have been made!. There MUST be something more powerful than just amoeba!.

I'm not quite sure what to call it!.!.!.you can even call it god if you will!. I know there must be a higher power!. I believe happiness is about being in tune with yourself and letting go of problems to a higher power!. I not sure what else to call it, but the best name i can give it is "spirituality"!. I consider myself spiritual!. I try to meditate and try to accept myself for all that I am!. Being happy is what seems to make me feel good so why not move forward in that direction!?

Religion confuses me!. I try to stick with what makes peace and harmony in my life!.

I guess I'm agnostic if you needed a label!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Each and every one of us contain an entity or spirit!.!.!.this spirit is a small portion of what I believe to be God!. It's always been here, and it always will be!.!.!.not necessarily here here, but you catch my drift!.!.!.!.our job may or may not be to connect these small parts so that they may do a greater good!.!.!.
I think we are losing!. In fact it seems the Devil rules the roost these days!.!.!.Sorry, I tend to get off track sometimes!. God is love!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

that sometimes there has to be more to life than just living out or days and that there has to be something more than this reality!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think of god as a very important person!. hope this helps youWww@QuestionHome@Com