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Position:Home>Philosophy> I need help defending a personal point using John Locke Ideals?

Question: I need help defending a personal point using John Locke Ideals!?
Question Details: I get in arguments with my mom a lot, and she constantly uses the "I'm your mother I don't need to give you a reason!." I disagree and I think the authority designated to a parent should be granted Because of a lifetime of proper judgment and reasoning!. That is not to say that all parents are perfect, nor do I mean that a parent who isn't perfect doesn't deserve authority!. I mean that if she wants to exert authority over me, I feel it should come with proper reasoning!.
So a friend suggested I talk to her about John Locke's reasoning; how when there is a government which rules arbitrarily and acts without just cause, it is the right of the people to rebel and overthrow that government!. But I do not want to sound like a disobedient, ignorant child when I tell her that!. Do you have any ideas of how I approach her with that concept or any quotes of John Locke's which would make my explanation easier!?
I am not a rebellious child!. I have never smoked, taken drugs, or stolen!. I get A’s and B’s in school and I’m taking 4 AP classes!. I will listen to any concern she will have if she tells me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The government of the USA is fonded on some of the ideas from John Locke!. But to understand Locke, you need a key!. And your parents have that key!.

Your mother, like most parents, follow the absolute rule ethics of Thomas Hobbes in the form of parental discretion!.

John Stuart Mill's "On Liberty" is a better choice of essays to study to approach your mother with!. Mill does a nice job of refuting Hobbes!. I highly recommended it!. I'm sure there is a copy in your public library, although it might also be in your high school libraries!. You will certainly impress your librarian if you ask for a copy to check out!.

If you can demonstrate your superior understanding of liberty, both its responsibilities and reasons for, you might get further with your parents!.

But don't be surprised that your mother still cares for you and in her limited way will do all she can to protect you, even if it makes no sense to you!.

When you get older and have children of your own, be sure to give a copy of "On Liberty" to your children on their 16th birthday and ask them to read it and report back to you on its contents and meaning!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It all depends on your age!. If you're below majority, she is legally responsible for you by law!. Therefore, she calls the shot and it is up to you to like it or lump it, but do so in silence!. She has been running her household before you were born and you owe her your respect!. Just bide your time, live by her rules in her house, and then, one day, you can leave with her blessings!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

your mother, with all due respect, does need to give you a reason!.
forget john locke, to conform without reason is to live like a robot, programmed, enslaved, mindless!.

you don't want that now, do you !?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Just sit her down and tell her that you need her guidance!. That whatever the particular argument is about you feel uncertain of how you should proceed because she hasn't taken the time to teach you the legitimacy of her own opinion!. Ask her how, if she won't explain herself, you will be able to gain the knowledge needed to deal with a similar situation when she isn't around!.

Tell her you need her to share with you what she has learned and not just go about declaring edicts!. If that doesn't work, perhaps she doesn't have a valid reason!. I'm curious as to what some of these disagreements might be as you sound pretty rational!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com